A question about art on the site

by VincentBelmont

21 years, 11 months ago

Venkman, YOU are NOT a moderator. You cannot make those types of decisions.

Any further behavior in this fashion will be taken as moderator impersonation. That is something that will get you banned.

I am NOT locking this post for this reason:

It wasn't even a personal message to a member on this board. It was addressed to the webmaster, and that is the only person on this site that is allowed personal messages. The message was also a valid site suggestion. No harm done.

I don't wanna be a jerk about this, but consider yourself warned, Venkman. If you have a complaint. Email the mods.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

On the spidermanhype.com boards, pictures can be posted in the posts. It might take longer for dial ups, etc., but I think that would be a cool idea for posting pictures…

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

I remember that on wizard.com. You know, the monthly magazine about comic books. I used to go there for a long time. They had the ability to post pics on messages. I do believe that World-of-Nintendo had that as well (but then they later changed the format).

Here's an added suggestion if this is accepted. For people who do have 56K modems, why not have an option of turning posted pics on and off? It would still load the avatars & sigs, but it would ignore any extra pics. That is, if it's possible to do such a thing. This way it won't slow down a person using an old modem too much.

by MasterSpider

21 years, 11 months ago

Just wondering, what were the thoughts on the idea of posting pics in posts?

by castewar

21 years, 10 months ago

The thinking on the two matters is this.

Posting images saved on GB.net likely isn't going to happen. That's extra bandwidth and Chad's already working hard to keep everything running smooth while not breaking the bank.

As for posting images in posts (assuming you mean, posting image tags that call for an image from another site) that opens up a kettle of moderation fish that nobody here has the time to take care of - namely policing what gets posted. A lot of kids visit these boards and the last thing we need is one bad apple posting porn (and it happens, without fail).

In the meantime, linking to your own storage server is usually the best way.

by Zack

21 years, 10 months ago

Good points. The same thing happened on The Ghostbusters Homepage board many times. People have posted pornographic links on this board before and have been dealt with, but imagine just going to the post and seeing more than you bargained for. There are younger people here and I know they don't come here to see that, and I'm sure their parents don't want to walk in and see them looking at something like that on a Ghostbusters site.

I know most people would really appreciate it but then of course there are the people that would cause trouble and abuse the privilege. At Midibuddy.net, another forum I go to, the mods have started checking all attachments before they appear on the site.


by back

21 years, 10 months ago

I still remember the “mary's bum inccident” on his/her profile. lmao …very funny now after the fact when you think about it. but we came, we saw too much, we deleted her bum. :d
im gone.

by Kingpin

21 years, 10 months ago

ugh *relives mental torture* that's almost as bad as Dressboy's pic.