A simple explanation

by TyFire

13 years, 9 months ago

Since the thread was closed and thus, prevented me from replying. I feel obliged to explain and defend my self. Last night I was pissed, extremely pissed that I was banned for posting what I did, which compared to what I posted here was watered-down. The only thing that be similar was my comment on PC, and the So-Cal GBs. I might have also left in my two bits about AJ and his heavies. But I didn't go any further, nor was my post about Mr. Paulson & change.

Now couple of things I felt needed to be addressed -

He chose to be sneaky and make his posts at a time when he knew that the site owner would be traveling and unable to see it until the next day

For a matter of fact, I did not have knowledge of this. AJ might have mentioned it in the chat room, or on the forum, but I must've missed it. Call me a lier, but I'm telling the truth. I'm fed up, and that was the point of what I posted on GBFans. And I posted it again after you took it down, because I was taken back at the fact you did. Mostly because, other members have been allowed to speak out against you all.

To be clear, the “501st” group that Ty is referring to would be the group that I am a member of, The So-Cal Ghostbusters. When we first launched our franchise Ty WAS given an invitation to join and he declined, which has no real bearing on the subject other than the fact the he acts like he was being discriminated against from the get-go, which is untrue.

You know, he's right. I was offered an invite, and I declined. Mostly because I still had hopes of starting my own group. But, when I finally thought maybe joining them might be better, they said nope. So at the beginning it was my fault. But does any of that justify them insulting me, or belittling me? No. They would bash me about my parents, how I was ‘sheltered’, and go as far as to say I had inappropriate relations with my mother. Why didn't I mention this? They said it was just teasing, and said I shouldn't take it to heart. And they have been snobby as all hell recently, about props in general. I'll admit I probably over exaggerated about it.

He goes through constant fits of hating people, then apologizing, then hating other people, then apologizing, then hating more people etc. etc.

I step out of line a lot, fine chalk it up to my immaturity. What am I suppose to do? No one lets things just blow over. What's wrong with me wanting people know that I realize what I did was wrong, and that I am sorry for god's sakes. If you ass hats didn't hold things against people, for like, ever, I would feel that I have to apologize for everything.

My inbox is full of apology letters from him over all of his various blow-ups.

The most I can recount I've sent is 3, maybe four. Your the one who is exaggerating now.

At one point he would come into conflict with anyone he came across who preferred the first Ghostbusters film over the second.

Um, may I ask, when was the last time I ranted about GB2? A while back I was being an asshole, a large, pathetic asshole when people negatively commented on GB2. I told people to go to hell, they're not a true GBFan, and all sorts of other things that were ban worthy. But was I banned? No. Do I appreciate AJ gave me another chance? Yes. But, I've stopped complaining about people hating on it. The only reason Vince brought it up, is because it's one of the very few things that was actually my fault.

As far as his complaints about GBFans as a site, if he had any idea of just how much work and moderation it actually takes when you have a member population of that size maybe he would think twice and I think Kingpin can attest to that.

Okay, you have a point. Even though you agree with PC that Kingpin abused his moderator powers over there at GBFans. So yeah, okay. How about I show those pictures of Kingpin thats been posted in the ‘Nice Job You Did’ thread? I'm sure he'd appreciate that, you know taking pictures of his without his permission, and photo shopping them. Also, I like how you removed my complaint thread quickly, and without warning. But, you allowed Dan Shannon to link to a pornographic image for all to see?

Nice Job You Did!

Ty spends at least 2 hours PER DAY in the chat room, I know because I am also usually there while I'm at my office. He rarely interacts with anyone, instead he just takes notes on everything that is said at all times and then he plays the whistle blower game back on the forums. A few nights ago he was basically begging for a moderator position from an admin of another site who was visiting the GBFans chat. Hopefully that person will see this and realize what a mistake that would be.

Ugh, me taking notes? Okay, what would I gain from that? Also, I wasn't begging for a Mod position from CHAD PAULSON. What's wrong with naming names? Makes things much clearer. And in the great words of AJ Quick, I wasn't begging, I was sucking Chad's personal area. Yeah, and you call me immature. I was just joking, anyone in their right minds wouldn't give me mod powers. I obviously have anger issues, according to GBFans.

Yeah, once my ban is up, I may remove all my props from my account. And just never return.

by will1

13 years, 9 months ago

Shut up, Ty.

by Kingpin

13 years, 9 months ago

Due to elements of a personal nature being brought into this via a topic at GBFans I'm going to have to take a step back as I don't think I'd be able to approach things productively. I'll be asking Jay to handle any future action relating to this.

For the time being the topic will be locked, but will remain in public view. If any of the involved parties wish to discuss things in detail I invite you to either contact Jay or Chad regarding this matter.

I think that some things would've been handled better through private message/email rather than being posted out in public.