Hello, all.
By now, I am pretty used to people ragging on my fanfics. I started to ignore them until I saw some by one “MusamaBinLaden.”
Okay, now here's where things get stupid.
1) He rates my fanfic abysmally, and says “I hate those stories where the author is the hero.” WHAT? Wait a minute…. I like Bo Holbrook, and consider him a friend, but HE's the hero of HIS stories, and he's on the top TEN! Granted, his stories are great, but no one ever accused HIM of this. What's so wrong with it? Oh well.
2)Musamabinladen is a new user. This new user has a pretty tasteless handle. I need only mention Sept. 11th. His profile says that he likes playing with fireworks, and sending people computer viruses! Shouldn't Chad know about this? there HAS to be something against THAT!