A stupid question from a gaming n00b

by bluestarcontra

15 years, 7 months ago

Let me preface this by saying that I don't do a lot of gaming. I've played various games on different systems usually while hanging out with others, but not enough to get a real hang of things. I've got the Ghostbusters game on my PC now and it seems really cool to me. I was going along pretty well, getting the hang of things, but now I've hit a snag.

The ##### ######### ##################### candles keep ######### killing me, and it's starting to piss me off. I've tried a lot of different tactics, but they keep getting me backed into a corner and I can't seem to take them down fast enough or move away from them quickly enough. I've searched around but it doesn't seem like this is a common problem (at least common enough to have created threads like this). Is there some secret to dealing with the damn things, or do I just need to devote a greater percentage of my day to shooting at pixels until I'm able to just kill them and be done with it?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I assume you are referring to the candelabra’s in the first trip to the Sedgewick Hotel

If you are, then all I have to say is aim low.

by JimPhelps

15 years, 7 months ago

Yes, getting into a corner would be a very bad idea. My best advice, before the candles show up, blast all the ones you find in the hallways, Then, once they start coming at you, keep moving backward slowly, while aiming low to take them out. Im not sure if getting rid of the candles before they attack you helps or not, but Ive done it and haven't had too many problems that way. I won't get that keeping the damage under 100,000 achievement that way though.

by bluestarcontra

15 years, 7 months ago

I did try that, but it didn't seem to make a difference. However, I did finally get the hang of it. Just took getting more used to the controls and their attack pattern.