A suggestion we all can do

by Wheelhouse

23 years ago

The only thing I suggest to do about Ghostbusters.net is for all of us to tell everyone we know about it. This is a great site, for fans and web designers alike and for me, who is both, I am happy it exists. Keep up the good work!

If you agree, let's hear it!

by Jay_Tigran

23 years ago

Sounds like a plan wheelhouse…

Getting a little off topic…
I went to your website whellhouse and it says in your portfolio that you worked on a GBgame of somesort, is there anyway I could download that somewhere???

by Mario

23 years ago

How do I spread the message?

by Wheelhouse

23 years ago

Now that I think about it, I haven't uploaded that game. I'll work on that now and let you know the link! Thanks!

by Chad

23 years ago

Good idea Wheelhouse. I plan on making some viral pieces like e-cards that people can send to each other which will drive traffic to the site. Also, I'm working on a “suggest this site to a friend section”.

by Wheelhouse

23 years ago

Ok, here's the link to that GB Trap game I made. It's just a fun little game with no skill required. Just something else to do involving GB!
