Aaargh! How do I remove a story?

by campi

23 years, 4 months ago

Posted a story called “Family treat” or something long ago. It's not the final version and I uploaded it just to see what would happen. Nothing happened and so I forgot about it, until I logged in tonight.

As we all can see, the story totally SUCKS and I'd like to remove it. How do I do that? It's okay to keep it over at my site, but here…!

I'm in a panic mode now, please help. Can't find anything in my “profile” section.

If you need me, I'll be hiding under that slimy old rock over there.


by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

You can't.

by Chad

23 years, 4 months ago

I would like to keep stories and props at the site. If you have updates or changes that is fine, email them to me and I will change them, otherwise everything stays.

I don't like the idea of authors getting upset because other people are rating their work low, so they want to take their work off of the site.

by Twister

23 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, I'd like to remove a story..because.well, it sux…and it also confuses people. “You Can Teach a Dog Some Ghost Tricks”. Plz..just read “Twister and Tornado” and ignore the other one. I wasn't thinking when I wrote it and I used Twister in both stories. Chad, if they don't like the story just because, and not becuase of the ratings, you should let them take it off.

by Ectodude

23 years, 3 months ago

I agree with Twister. You should let people have the option to take their stories off. you're going to get alot of people wanting to take stories off, and it's going to annoy the hell out of you. I would know… im a webmaster, too. trust me when i say this, but it would be alot easier for you to make some kind of application pool, or something to let people do whatever, then them to take up board space, and your time making you change stuff.

Just helping (yeah… what a help I am!)

by campi

23 years, 3 months ago

Oh. Thanks for letting me know. I misspelled the character's name a coupla times and stuff like that, but the finished version is over at and I'll mail it soon.

Then I misspelled the TITLE. What an incredibly smart thing to do, eh? It's supposed to be “Family trait”, nothing else. Well, got two ratings and they were both tens - thanks! I feel a bit less stressed now; the story can stay.