About Bill Murray.

by GuyCC

15 years, 11 months ago

that gave me my confirmation ‘ why dont you all go away’ THAT my friends ' THAT, was the venkman we no and love, cannot wait for this game, i also have my money on it, the guys a legend, am sure this was no sweat at all for him

I'd have to agree. That dialogue clip was awesome.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Jonathan Archer;137829
The only one who could tell you that is Skanker as other then the trailer, we haven't heard anything from Dan, Harold or Ernie when it comes to voice over.

Exactly. So far we've heard more from Bill Murray then we did from the other guys.

by mdp872105

15 years, 11 months ago

Does anyone else find it funny a few months ago we was talking about how venkman did not speak that much and we was wondering if he was even a major part in the game?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

I remember. I am still excited to hear Dan Aykroyd spew Ray's lines. I love hearing him talk it is so much fun.

by winston18

15 years, 11 months ago

Wait,you guys remember all the videos from SDCC 08 right? We got more Ray, Egon, and Winston dialogue there. In fact we have heard more from Ray than anybody else including Peter, even with this demo footage.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

We have heard very few lines from Egon and Winston. I can only account the ones from the trailers and the demo of the library.

Correct me if I am wrong.

by winston18

15 years, 11 months ago

In total we've heard the most lines from Ray, then probably Peter. We have heard less from Winston and Egon but still a pretty good amount.

by Verdic

15 years, 11 months ago

I'm not concerned about Bill to be totally honest. He was always m yfavorite too, but I enjoyed all four actors equally in the films. I still feel Ernie got the raw deal, and I am seriously hoping to see more opportunities to get to know his character this go around. Let's focus on the whole and not so much Murray, eh?

by megax111

15 years, 11 months ago

Um, where is this new trailer where Peter says this?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 11 months ago

Um, where is this new trailer where Peter says this?

You have to look at the video of Alyssa Milano talking about her part in Ghostbusters.


This one.