About this remake trend that's going on..

by Zombie

16 years ago

Is it just me or are other people starting to get tired of this remake obsession Hollywood currently has? I also get kinda annoyed when I see movies from the 80's get this treatment. I really don't think movies from that decade are old enough to be remade. I watch movies in theaters very rarley nowadays and this is one of the reasons why.

by RickyM

16 years ago

totally agree, but the remakes all suck, so that just makes the fact even worse really, what has happened to the days of the masterminds, like dan akroyd and harold ramis, when in this decade will a movie of the calibre of ghostbusters be made, instead of all remakes,

come on hollywood we want something NEW!!!

by Zombie

16 years ago

Now I'm hearing that Will Smith is going to remake Karate Kid. I don't like the sound of that…

by Dr.D

16 years ago

Oh no, It's Will Smith annoying son from The Day the Earth stood still. He's playing the new Dainel, and Mr. Miyagi is going to be played by Jacking Chan. I'm going to kill myself.

by Zombie

16 years ago

Oh no, It's Will Smith annoying son from The Day the Earth stood still. He's playing the new Dainel, and Mr. Miyagi is going to be played by Jacking Chan. I'm going to kill myself.
Talk about a recipe for disaster. They might as well go all the way and hire Uwe Boll to direct.

by CrashOV

16 years ago

I am glad that there are people out there that feel the same as I do about this topic. I really think that they should be made very aware that indeed these movies do not need to be remade. It is utter pointless nonsense. What's even worse is that they always seem to pick good movies to be remade. At least show some effort and try to mold a bad movie into a good one. But they try to pick the classics just to cash in on the names.

I believe the reason for this is because hollywood has for the last 10 years or so become open to the talentless. Everyone can start in hollywood these days as long as you know someone. Talent not required. (this is my personal opinion ofcourse)

These people say they remake these movies as some sort of an homage to the original, while what they are really doing is arrogantly saying that they can do it better. And what do we get in return? A movie that should have never had a budget to begin with.

Again this is how I think about it. I dont mean to offend anyone with my oppinions

by rockstar232007

16 years ago

All this “remake” crap! is because of the fact that, many of the people in Hollywood, who had any sort of originality, are either dead, or are too old to be able to think of anything on their own. Maybe if people would stop giving they're hard earned money to these “hacks” then they might just come up with something, but until then, they're just going to keep raking it in, and think to themselves “Hmm, I wonder what other '70s B movie, or TV show we could remake, and then milk the crap out of?”(*peter)

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

Talk about a recipe for disaster. They might as well go all the way and hire Uwe Boll to direct.

The Funny thing about his movies though….he thinks they are actually good and that everyone else is just Idiotic.

I have to give him credit though; I saw one of his original non-adaptation movies named Blackwoods…it wasn’t THAT bad really.

But more or less I have to agree, I am starting to get a little tired of the remakes…but I try to keep an open mind about them…you never know you might come across one that was at least equal if not better than the original….has yet to happen as of yet…but you never know. I didn’t think the new Friday the 13th was all that bad…certainly wasn’t the best in the franchise by far but when you have Jason X to beat as the worse….

by Brendan_M

16 years ago

Friday the 13th … i liked it … oh and while we're talking about remakes, why don't you talk to Shakespeare … he re-hashed the same story throughout his entire career, with the exception of ‘Hamlet.’

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

About “Friday the 13th”:

I've always loved Jason. There's no real way to mess him up. Kane Hodder did in fact put a lot of love into his version of Jason, but Kane Hodder's kinda short in real life. When people envision Jason, they think of him as sort of a Frankenstein's monster: tall in stature and tragic in nature. So I don't mind that they chose someone tall and burly to play Jason, and after reading interview after interview, Derek Mears truely does understand his moves and the psyche of Jason. I personally enjoyed the re-dux “13th”.

*Possible spoiler?*

Best kill in the movie for me?

The dock scene: