About this remake trend that's going on..

by RickyM

16 years ago


does live action mean ‘real’ like the original movies, ninjas wearing rubber suits once again? if so YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

I know that the movie had lots of flaws. Especially since alot of characters where missing. Moslty missed was battle cat. But with todays CGI that wouldnt be a problem. The old movie was under constant trouble budget wise. So if you consider those facts I think they did pretty good on the movie.

Even considering those facts, I don't it was that good. A lot of times I forgot I was watching a movie about He-Man. The budget isn't much of a problem to me, I thought it showed pretty good for the budget. But the script definitely needed some improvement.

Well, let me put it this way. As a movie, it's ok, but as a movie about He-man? Not so much.

I had heard a while back that the first draft of the new MoTu script was about He-man being a G.I soldier that was lost in a jungle somewhere on earth on an unknown island named eternia. So I am way glad that script got tossed.

That would of been even worse lol. Luckily the new one is suppose to be going back to it's roots.

by Zombie

16 years ago

The best thing to do is try and boycott these remakes. If more and more people don't pay to see them, the unoriginal hacks behind them will get less money to fund their next move on their crusade to violate movie classics.

If you MUST see them then do it in a way that dosen't give the filmmakers any profits, be patient and wait until it airs on TV or something.