Abridged Ghostbusters - Project

by heslimedme251

18 years, 7 months ago

Okay, well due to the fact that I have way too much free time and also that i'm just plain bored i've embarked on a project to make a 20 minute video which shows the whole film. Basically i'll be putting all the key parts together into a 20 minute video. (That's my goal to make it a maximum of 20 minutes long - otherwise i'd just put the whole thing in!) Anyway i should have a rough cut of the video by the end of the weekend, just wanted to ask what parts of the film should be in? which lines and visuals etc.

Once i've finished the rough cut i'll use all your responses to touch it up. Then it'll go up online in a number of parts and with a serious watermark so that I can't be cease and desisted!

-J. :-)

by fusi0n1

18 years, 7 months ago

Sounds promisingly amusing, sort of an extended version of the 30 Second Bunny movie Re-enactments?

I think if you just summarise the events of the movie in point form, then take it down from there. Don't forget the most memorable lines and the best bits (I know all of it is good, but the cream of the crop bits).

by heslimedme251

18 years, 7 months ago

Okay…i cut out a little part from the start of the video. It's roughly 4 minutes long and covers all the way up to the “Get Her!” bit. Looks like I may have to say a maximum of 30 minutes for the entire piece as it's difficult to say from this point if it's goin to fit. Tell me what you think…the rest will follow very soon.

Just click HERE and either download it or view it as you wish. But please…as i've stupidly not put a watermark on just yet, don't take it as your own work. I'm wary since something of mine was recently plagarised by ebaumsworld.com! gah.


by secrecyguy

18 years, 7 months ago

Let me understand this. You going to take the best parts from the movie and combine it into 30 minuetes short?

Am I right?

Don't be surprise if you hear from Sony's lawyers.

If you do a 3 minutes or even 5 minutes, maybe you can get away from it. But a 30 minuetes?!?!

by Kingpin

18 years, 7 months ago

Why would he be contacted by the lawyers? He wouldn't be making any money out of it and he wouldn't be posting the whole movie up for unlicenced download.