ackroyd needs to release the script he finished......

by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

if GB3 isn't gonna happen…it looks like he could give the fans the script he finished…

by fixer79

23 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, Dan! Give us the script!

by Ross

23 years, 4 months ago

No he shouldn't. First off we've heard it's crap. Secondly if there are any future GB projects (movies, tv specials or otherwise) he could use some of that script.

by Specter

23 years, 4 months ago

I've heard it's fantastic.

I would like to see it animated.

by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

i'm not saying publish it or anything, just release it to us ghostheads. i would be very interested in reading it. i dont' know if there would be any legal issues. it would rock, if it was crappy or not.

by darealgb

23 years, 4 months ago

hey wind bag don't be so nagitive if he has a script i think it could rock and will rock

by Ghostbuster505

23 years, 3 months ago

I would love to read it, mabey he could do an opinion poll or somthin' with it, to see how good the movie would do or something. It would rock, crappy or not, and it doesn't really look like any tv shows or anything else are being made anyway, might as well make some money off the script or something.