after all this time the proton streams still dont quite look right

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 10 months ago

Please dont kill me….lol

I was just watching GB one and two. and not only are the beams alot more brighter it seems,if you look at the blue arcs and the way they wrap around the main streams most of the time like a snake and only arc off once in a while its nothing like the beams in the game that don't seem to wrap around the streams at all really and fly off far from the stream in every direction not very movie accurate surprisingly since the developers are going for movie accuracy with everything else it seems

you would think the main equipment would be something they would fight to accurately portray.

I wonder …. will they be like that in the final build? is that something that still being tuned?

I am still getting the game and I am sure it will be awesome but its just an observation. the streams in the Wii version seem to be a little more accurate but still not quite movie accurate.

just my two cents…(*egon)


by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 10 months ago

my thoughts is Egon has made the pack more powerful. So the Proton stream has become much more unstable.

by Heslimedme80

15 years, 10 months ago

That would make sense if with the upgrades you get that effect.. but the packs you start with should be the classic movie accurate proton packs we all know and love and movie accurate proton streams.

my thoughts is Egon has made the pack more powerful. So the Proton stream has become much more unstable.

by rockstar232007

15 years, 10 months ago

My only real concern about the stream is when wrangleing a ghost, the beam (around the ghost) is too…loose. IMHO, it would look better if it were like the ones from the GB 2 Scolari Bros. courtroom scene.

by Yehome

15 years, 10 months ago

IMHO, it would look better if it were like the ones from the GB 2 Scolari Bros. courtroom scene.

Yeah! It almost squeeze the ghost!

by jogi82

15 years, 10 months ago

i think this depends on each ghost!
i never saw them scanning each ghost and do a kalibration on the neutronawands!
so it matched more the Scolari Bros. then slimer!

but for me personaly the streams look fine and act verry good!
they even change colour from orange to red when overheating!

what i dont like is that the strems have no effect to the ghost at the beginning, the only loosing a kind of energy (health?)!
the stream must emediatly catch them, then struggle around till they lost enough energy so u can moneuver them into the trap! otherwise it would be harder but still possible!
but like the jooger-scene from gb2 a stream shouldnt be nacecarry to catch a ghost!

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

i think this depends on each ghost!

I could go for that explanation.

by raymondstantz1

15 years, 10 months ago

as has been mentoned in another thread, i forget which one, there is an upgrade for the stream, maybe this will tighten the blue arking?

what i dont like is that the strems have no effect to the ghost at the beginning, the only loosing a kind of energy (health?)!
the stream must emediatly catch them, then struggle around till they lost enough energy so u can moneuver them into the trap! otherwise it would be harder but still possible!
but like the jooger-scene from gb2 a stream shouldnt be nacecarry to catch a ghost!

I agree with you on this one but from the developers standpoint they have to make it a bit more of a challenge for the player so i can understand why the stream doesnt grab the ghost from the beginning.
We may want it to but for the casual gamers or those who buy this game who are not such devoted fans then they will be looking to be presented with more of a challenge when it comes to Busting each ghost.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 10 months ago

Ya, possibly I thought the upgrade was for the accuracy of the beam itself…but I guess we will find out in June

by Kingpin

15 years, 10 months ago

Even as lovingly reproduced as a lot of the elements of the game are, they can only replicate things ever so much and some will proove to be more difficult than others. Remember you're comparing game coding and equations to painted visual effects. One is a lot easier to control than the other.

And the guys do seem to start out with the standard Proton Pack design at the start of the game.