AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by rodie1

16 years, 4 months ago

on this topic, who would be some good choices? I'd like to see Tina Fey with a part in GB3.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

on this topic, who would be some good choices? I'd like to see Tina Fey with a part in GB3.

I vote that Sarah Palin play her twin. Come on… twin girl Ghostbusters! Who would see that coming!

by matthew1

16 years, 4 months ago

No Female Ghostbusters PLEASE!! Is that sexist? I don't care.

I just don't think that it's a very good idea. I can kind of imagine what throwing a pretty young woman into the mix would be like with the four fifty somethings suddenly having to share their living quarters with her. It might be funny for five minutes but it would ware thin very very quickly and then where do you go? No, I don't think it a good idea at all or to have any new Ghostbusters for that matter. I don't want the third movie to be about new characters joining up, being trained and saving the day. It's far too predictable, completely unoriginal and just plain boring for a story. I want something totally original. An interesting concept or idea which the four original characters journey through together which also includes all the laughs and scares necessary for a good ghostbusters movie. Make it good and make it the last one.

by drspengler2

16 years, 4 months ago

Doctor Venkman;130186
Are we forgetting about Kylie being a Ghostbuster? Yes, she had a smaller proton pack, but that doesn't mean that she, or any other woman for that matter, cannot carry a regular sized proton pack.

Well, she can carry it!

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 4 months ago

I agree with you Matthew ( I hope i spelled your name right). Having a female be a Ghostbuster is wrong because the Proton packs are very heavy and it's a Mans job to carry the Proton packs on our backs. I'm not insulting women in any way it's just strange to have Bill Murray saying that. I think he was joking because the writers from the office didn't put a female GB in the script they are writing the Originals training a new team to help them out and it's three guys I forgot what there names are. That's a cartoon in extreme Ghostbusters so in a cartoon you can have a woman wear a protonpack but in real life you can't because it's very heavy. I'm just very pleased that Bill Murray is ready to do a GB3 because I'm ready to see it in 2010!

by matthew1

16 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;130251
I agree with you Matthew ( I hope i spelled your name right). Having a female be a Ghostbuster is wrong because the Proton packs are very heavy and it's a Mans job to carry the Proton packs on our backs. I'm not insulting women in any way it's just strange to have Bill Murray saying that. I think he was joking because the writers from the office didn't put a female GB in the script they are writing the Originals training a new team to help them out and it's three guys I forgot what there names are. That's a cartoon in extreme Ghostbusters so in a cartoon you can have a woman wear a protonpack but in real life you can't because it's very heavy. I'm just very pleased that Bill Murray is ready to do a GB3 because I'm ready to see it in 2010!

Are you for real?

by slimer3881

16 years, 4 months ago

i think all woman shouldnt have any jobs, and the only jobs they should give are blowjobs, im not trying to insult women or anything, but its a mansjob to do work, and not the women because thats wonderful.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 4 months ago

Are you for real? Stop copying the same Info as I post down. Men and Women need jobs they need to make money for a living. Please stop posting the same words as I wrote. Are you stupid or what? Stop acting dumb on this board Thanks!

You don't see me acting like a fool do you. Stop acting like a fool on this board! Thank You!

by ghstbstrlmliii1

16 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;130251
I agree with you Matthew ( I hope i spelled your name right). I think he was joking because the writers from the office didn't put a female GB in the script they are writing the Originals training a new team to help them out and it's three guys I forgot what there names are.

Who's to say that one of the new recruits isn't a female. The script is still being written with no real details given yet - that's part of the fun and mystery behind it at the moment. Kyle carried a full pack several times, and even back to RGB - Janine picked up a pack in multiple episodes. Yes, they are both just cartoons, but the idea of a female GB isn't competely new. I see it as a possibility. Though I do kinda agree with Matthew. If the original guys are coming back, having a female might just mess things up. There's no need to have gratutious female jokes - just to have them. If done right though, it could make for an interesting story twist. There's nothing to say a female couldn't be a ghostbuster though. The equipment wouldn't be a hurdle. I know there are several female GB's out there who carry replica packs.

Ghostbusters3will rock, please don't take this as a personal challenge. I'm just opening the door for rational conversation.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 4 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;130251
I think he was joking because the writers from the office didn't put a female GB in the script they are writing the Originals training a new team to help them out and it's three guys I forgot what there names are.

And you've now officially posted false information. The script is not done and you do not have that information confirmed from anywhere. You're making it up.