AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago


That gave me shivers hearing that.

We're that much closer now.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 5 months ago

to rip off a line from the first movie “Im very excited, very pleased”

i think that just sums it all up. Murry was always the linchpin with a possable ghostbusters 3. We all Know Harrold, Dan and Erny would jump at a chance to do another one, but the studio always wanted to hold out for Bill, not that the game has revived his intrist for the franchise, i promess u guys now, the chances of us seeing a GB3 by 2012 is looking EXTREMLEY good!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

That's just flat out amazing.

So great to hear Bill talk about Ghostbusters in such a positive light. It almost brings a tear to my eye.

by deadderek

16 years, 5 months ago

This is amazing on so many levels.

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

I don't usually make predictions or assumptions but if this is indeed true and Murray now wants to make a third Ghostbusters movie I think Ghostbusters III will now happen. And you can quote me on that!

by robertknippels1

16 years, 5 months ago

It is nice that we also get some inside information from Bill Murray himself that he wasn't really happy with the story of ghostbusters 2. I think that it was the main reason for him that he didn't want to do a sequel. It is great that he want's to return and that we hopefully hear his voice in the game soon.

I hope we will get a third one but it probably will be different then the other two movies. It would be great to see some old ghostbusters running around.

Best regards,


by Kojak

16 years, 5 months ago

I know!

If Bill keeps keep this attitude about the new movie we are in for a real treat!
This is with now doubt the best GB3 update ever.
Man im excited!!!!!!

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

What I said on proptopia about this:

It can be viewed as someone who has in the past been characteristically nochalent in regards to one of the most memorable films he's appeared in finally warming up to it again, and looking like he's burying the hatchet of his bad memories of Ghostbusters II… but I still wouldn't read too much into it for Ghostbusters 3 yet.

And that's part of the problem with AICN is sometimes they let their enthusiasm leak all of their writing. It's no secret they're big GB3 supporters but sometimes they definately let their desire for a third film to be made to cause them to lose sight of the horizon.

So it's promising, but it's not a Ghostbusters 3 foundation stone.

He must have really hated GB2… I loved it because it was my first theater experience but now I realize it really does pale in comparison to the expertly crafted first movie.

It became a commonly accepted belief that he didn't want to do it, ranging from a dislike of sequels, to wanting to preserve the Ghostbusters property to even suggesting on a talk show that the sequel should've been titled “The Last of the Ghostbusters”.

The wonder who The “Writers” are? If it's Dan and Harold again, I'm in. If not… we'll see.

It's neither Dan, nor Harold. It's a couple of the producers of The Office.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 5 months ago

It's neither Dan, nor Harold. It's a couple of the producers of The Office.

So…is that good or bad?

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

I honestly don't know, I've never seen any of their personal work although I have seen some episodes of the American version of The Office, so I'm currently reserving judgement.

And if people are wondering if the topic's changed, it's because we had two topics devoted to the same video in the GB3 forum and the General forum, so I combined them.