AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by PeterVenkmen

16 years, 5 months ago

Well my main concern about that is when you change the writers, often they can't keep the spirit of the movie as good as the original writers (granted even GB2 wasn't able to create the exact same feel as the first despite being written by Dan and Harold).

I just don't want it to turn in a Terminator 3, where there were a lot of changes that barely made it close to the original films. I was barely able to think of it as Terminator with the over use of “gag scenes”.

I just hope the writers know what they're doing (if they project comes to air).

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

I think after the disappointment of GB2 he'll probably request some sort of creative control to make sure that the shooting script is top notch. Let's not forget he does own a fifth of the rights

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

Bill Murray said that he will do a GB3 and I'm glad about that. The orignals are coming back training a new team to help them out and the movie is coming in 2010 and GB3 will Rock at the Theaters. Everyone else said something about GB3 and I'm glad that Bill said something to because the show the office will write a great script for GB3 and i'm very Happy about that. Hang in there GB fans because in 2 years GB3 will be here and I'm very Happy about that because I'm looking forward to the movie and Everyone else is to. I'm hoping that Sigourney,Rick,and Annie will be in GB3 because they were great in the first two films! I got a good feeling that they will be in GB3 and that's Wonderful for the 2010 release!

I'm very Happy and very excited about GB3 and Bill murray is to and that's Wonderful. Just to note on the Imdb for GB3 it says that GB3 will be here in 2010 because some of you guys don't know yet so I'm telling all of you 2010 for GB3 and Filming will began in 2009 and That's Great GB3 news! Let's all of us have a GB3 party because we all GB fans are very Happy about the News!

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129376
because the show the office will write a great script for GB3

Yeah, The Office is a great writer.


by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129376

I wouldn't hold my breath, Rick's as good as retired these days as he wants to spend more time with his kids, and Sigourney's been uninterested in a new film for a while now.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, The Office is a great writer.


ROFL :-)

It will rock because IMDB says so and they never lie or post rumors at all. (*spam)

by matthew1

16 years, 5 months ago

I wouldn't hold my breath, Rick's as good as retired these days as he wants to spend more time with his kids, and Sigourney's been uninterested in a new film for a while now.

Bringing those two back will only do harm to the sequel. Ghostbusters III must be original!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Bringing those two back will only do harm to the sequel. Ghostbusters III must be original!

I think you're kind of generalizing that. If they are brought back in small roles, and the main threat isn't against Dana… I don't see a problem with it. They're characters in the Ghostbusters universe. Louis is their accountant, Dana is Peter's girlfriend/wife by now.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Doctor Venkman;129387
I think you're kind of generalizing that. If they are brought back in small roles, and the main threat isn't against Dana… I don't see a problem with it. They're characters in the Ghostbusters universe. Louis is their accountant, Dana is Peter's girlfriend/wife by now.

Well if they continue the continuity of the game (which they should) Peter and Dana have probably been broken up for some time. They should definitely bring back Louis though.

by GB3

16 years, 5 months ago

This is great that Murray is up for GB3. The “wounds from GB2 have healed”. I think he was just disappointed that the 2nd film was just too much like the 1rst film. Remember GB2 wasn't suppose to happen. Its just the “whole gang” (cast/crew) wanted to do another movie together as GB1 was so fun. But it just ended up morphing into GB2. The new writers(Office writers/producers) being a fresh approach must've pleased him. I still wonder about the Judd Apatow involvement if any. I can't see “two generations” of comedy film makers (Reitman etc, Apatow etc) being able to gell. Clearly Bill seems to want the story to be good and maybe less special effects. Which should work. But I still can't see the old GB gang having “physical” roles. Their old now. Maybe we'll only see them initially train the new GB's with the equipment which could actually be funny and then guide/consult during the rest of the film. I always thought GB2's best moment were when the characters talked about the ghost busting situation: what to do, the research, small talk, etc. To me GB2 has its moments. I do agree we'll unlikely see Rick Moranis in GB3. He really is out of Hollywood. He wouldn't voice the GB game, if my memory recalls. Dave Thomas can't even get Moranis to voice his Doug & Bob MacKenzie characters in an upcoming cartoon series. Thomas said he might have to get a sound alike. Can't see why Annie Potts and Sigourney Weaver couldn't show up for a bit. As long as GB3 doesn't involve Dana Barrett being in ghostly troubles we'll be fine. Why couldn't we see her and Peter hitched now?
I hope the script is good and that its worthy of the series and franchise. I didn't hate Indiana Jones 4 but can see why people we're perturbed about it overall. Rambo 4, Rocky 6 were good. Die hard 4 to an extent didn't feel like part of the Die Hard saga somewhat. Terminator 3 was ok/good IMO. So lets hope GB3 is in the more upper success and feel of some of these prolonged movie sequels.