AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by GBRob

16 years, 5 months ago

I really think that the game that was delayed did have potential spoilers for the script that the new writers are working on.

10 to 1 they are going to have Walter Peck following the GBs and new recruit(s?) around for some of the film… almost harassing them.

At least that would be a cool part of the film I think anyways.

by d_osborn

16 years, 5 months ago

I really think that the game that was delayed did have potential spoilers for the script that the new writers are working on.
i HIGHLY doubt that. a HUGE project like the game that is within months of release wouldn't be delayed for a recently commissioned script that hasn't touched a studio green-light.

always great to hear from murray on GB. you guys are acting like he hates his work on it… he's publicly stated that GHOSTBUSTERS is one of his favorite career films.

by 9sam11

16 years, 5 months ago


That gave me shivers hearing that.

We're that much closer now.

Hahahaha me to!

God Im such a nerd

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

If Sigourney or Rick doesn't do GB3 then I'm sure that the Writers from the office will have somebody else play the new Dana Barret but I'm hoping that Sigourney will be back because I know that she said NO too GB3 but I'm hoping that she will change her mind. As for Rick somebody else can play Louis if Rick doesn't come back and do GB3 so the new writers will come up with something so don't worry because I'm not worried one bit. It will be there loss if they say NO to GB3. They were great in the first two films so I'm hoping that they will change there minds.Sigourney is my #1 favorite actress so if she doesn't come back then I will be a little upset with that so I'm hoping that she will change her mind about GB3.

I'm very Happy and very excited that Bill Murray will be back because it said on the Imdb that the Orignials will be back training a new team to help them out and that's very Awesome! With the Info about GB3 the movie will be great in 2010! That's Awesome to hear!

by drspengler2

16 years, 5 months ago

All right kid, we got it. Now it's ok.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

Dr Spengler;129410
All right kid, we got it. Now it's ok.

The last 18 million times. (*spam)

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129405
I'm sure that the Writers from the office will have somebody else play the new Dana Barret but I'm hoping that Sigourney will be back because I know that she said NO too GB3 but I'm hoping that she will change her mind. As for Rick somebody else can play Louis if Rick doesn't come back and do GB3.

They don't have to come back. The film's called “Ghostbusters”, not “Ghostbusters, Venkman's Girlfriend and Janine's one time fling and general dogsbody, Louis Tully”.

They have never been as neccesary as a lot of people seem to think they are.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

They don't have to come back. The film's called “Ghostbusters”, not “Ghostbusters, Venkman's Girlfriend and Janine's one time fling and general dogsbody, Louis Tully”.

They have never been as neccesary as a lot of people seem to think they are.

Yeah I like Louis as much as the next guy but I thought it was kind of stretch to bring him back in GB2.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 5 months ago

A main problem with sequels is feeding off the same characters and not adding new ones. Janonz was much more fun in GB2 than Louis, in my opinion. But anyhow…

This is great. Its so good to see Bill talking about it in a positive light. I think he was being very sincere. I'm excited.

by Sp9543

16 years, 5 months ago

Is a love story in the new GB really necessary? I don't think so, but if there is a love story it will probably be between two new characters.