AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by GB3

16 years, 5 months ago

Umm not to be too observant… but I've noticed that Ghostbusters3willrock is posting like crazy the same rants over and over again in various threads. Is he messing on these boards or is he got problems? Overzealous fan? IMDB is his absolute info source for movies? Or is he acting like Louis Tully writing out like he talks like Louis with the long talk and no sentences? Very annoying you need to chill. Where are the mods on this?

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago

Umm not to be too observant… but I've noticed that Ghostbusters3willrock is posting like crazy the same rants over and over again in various threads. Is he messing on these boards or is he got problems? Overzealous fan? IMDB is his absolute info source for movies? Or is he acting like Louis Tully writing out like he talks like Louis with the long talk and no sentences? Very annoying you need to chill. Where are the mods on this?

Welcome to my world. Overzealous is putting it lightly.

As for the Mod position, I'm giving him a second chance seeing as the forum move granted him a reprieve from being banned… for some reason.

However he's already skating on thin ice with the double posting I'vas asked him to stop, which he doesn't seem to have even registered.

by WSNProductions

16 years, 5 months ago

which he doesn't seem to have even registered.

He's not a registered member? (*spam)

IMDB is spaming the boards lol.

by Kingpin

16 years, 5 months ago


'Registered', as in: ‘understood’.

by heslimedme251

16 years, 5 months ago

They don't have to come back. The film's called “Ghostbusters”, not “Ghostbusters, Venkman's Girlfriend and Janine's one time fling and general dogsbody, Louis Tully”.

They have never been as neccesary as a lot of people seem to think they are.

i think we've found our new title! that's gonna be one hell of a film!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

They don't have to come back. The film's called “Ghostbusters”, not “Ghostbusters, Venkman's Girlfriend and Janine's one time fling and general dogsbody, Louis Tully”.

They have never been as neccesary as a lot of people seem to think they are.

On the flip side of the coin though, I also don't think that it will ruin things if they do come back. They're characters, who have relationships with other characters, so having them in the movie either with cameos or small roles isn't a bad thing as some would suggest.

Its also not necessary though, I agree.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 5 months ago

This is fairly exciting news. Not so much because it significantly increases the chances of GB3 being made (because it totally doesn't), but to hear Bill have a change of heart, expressing love for the franchise and the characters; its all wonderfully pleasing to the ears.

I'm still not expecting GB3 to likely happen though. It's pretty apparent that Bill, although now willing to & seemingly enthusiastic about making another GB film, is still concerned first & foremost about the integrity of the characters and the script. If he had so many problems with GB2 (which is still phenomenally enjoyable IMO, despite it's flaws), then I highly doubt he would sign on for GB3 if the script was anything less than mindblowing. Which is a good thing of course. Hopefully though, the writers can indeed serve up something which is mindblowing, and maybe, just maybe, then we'll get another GB film.

by lozbloke

16 years, 5 months ago

seems to me that all the loopholes have officially blown away (eg Murray and Columbia Studios), the film seems to be only script (and budget) dependent - and lets be fair, according to my sources, Sony Pictures is apparently feeling the credit crunch.

I think that, albeit, Ive been very sceptical of every news source in the past, I think that this is the most important development towards a GB3, since the announcement of GB2 (which lets be fair, at the time, came out of nowhere - for those who were around at the time)

by gbarmando

16 years, 5 months ago

Ok regarding the film, i agree the timing is perfect but still the studio might not want to do it for any stupid reason a person might come up with.
As for ghostbusters3willrock, he sounds like either spam or a 12-year-old that sniffed too much glue during kindergarten…

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 5 months ago

I am glad to hear, the “wounds” are healed. I really so no wounds to heal, but if Bill had wounds, so be it. Now that he is “happy” with GB and wants to do it, I think the only thing holding GB from exploding is movie companies.