AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

I am glad to hear, the “wounds” are healed. I really so no wounds to heal, but if Bill had wounds, so be it. Now that he is “happy” with GB and wants to do it, I think the only thing holding GB from exploding is movie companies.

Bill is referring to the fact that GB2 wasn't on par with the first movie, that it was all about effects and not about the characters, and the fact that he got convinced to do something he never wanted to do in the first place, which was make a sequel. From the sounds of things, he truly enjoyed his experience making the first movie, and regards it very highly among his body of work. Can't really blame someone for not wanting to tarnish the image of something they hold dear, and feel they've worked very hard on.

We all sometimes forget that a lot of actors (not all, but a lot) work just as hard as a lot of us average joe's. It's just that they make a hell of a lot more money. They're still human though, and if they want to make sure that a good final product is being given to the fans, and not just throw something out there just because they can collect a paycheck, then good for them, I say.

by sandmanfvr

16 years, 5 months ago

GB2's “being not good” or “not up to par on the first movie” is really one of the big debates from the 80's to me. I think the movie was great, barring the ending which I knew was chopped up. If they had taken Vigo and made him REALLY powerful, and made the battle much more involved and not had the campiness to it, then I think the whole movie would have popped. When I watch GB2, it rocks till the end that deflates like a balloon with a hole in it. I like it, others like Murray didn't. I have heard so many different opinions on GB2 that really, you can't say the movie was full success or a full failure. I think GB2 is a rarity in that it was huge release being on the heels of RGB, did good, was good for the kiddies at the time, but wasn't up to being what it could be. Thus people have different opinions. *shrugs*

As long as ALL the crew put their hearts in GB3, make sure it is a big and bad they want it to be, I think we are in for a treat!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

GB2's “being not good” or “not up to par on the first movie” is really one of the big debates from the 80's to me. I think the movie was great, barring the ending which I knew was chopped up. If they had taken Vigo and made him REALLY powerful, and made the battle much more involved and not had the campiness to it, then I think the whole movie would have popped. When I watch GB2, it rocks till the end that deflates like a balloon with a hole in it. I like it, others like Murray didn't. I have heard so many different opinions on GB2 that really, you can't say the movie was full success or a full failure. I think GB2 is a rarity in that it was huge release being on the heels of RGB, did good, was good for the kiddies at the time, but wasn't up to being what it could be. Thus people have different opinions. *shrugs*

As long as ALL the crew put their hearts in GB3, make sure it is a big and bad they want it to be, I think we are in for a treat!

Well that was my point really. Of course we all have different opinions, but Murray's thinking that it wasn't on par has to do with his reluctance to make another one (plus his desire to not really make sequels). That was my point. If one of the actors/crew doesn't feel the previous sequel was on par, they probably won't want to do another one, which is what has been the problem with Bill.

With that said, I agree with your end statement. If everyone's heart is in it, we'll be in for something spectacular.

by slimer3881

16 years, 5 months ago

Its great to finally hear the least bit of optimism from Bill after all these years of nay-saying, i knew the game would put them all back in the mood. well all we have to wait for is the script being finished and not sucking.

( My only worry is if the Office writers dont get the characters right, but with some luck and faith they will )

And to continue the Murray vs GB sequels, its obvious reasons, even though its not a bad movie, its a bad sequel (if that makes any sense), and in that sense, a 3rd film would take on the worry of the franchise falling even more away from freshness, or even putting it in other directions, taking away what made the franchise great in the first place. Its no surprise Bill wanted to do other things, a not letting the franchise be sucked into bad marketing. But now that the GB-Prime has passed and since theres a revival of all 80s franchises now, and alot of sucky movies with no originality, Bill & Co think its time to go back after a well rested hiatus to revive the franchise and not destroy it, and bring some real comedy and quality back to the theaters (with some hope ).

thats atleast my opinion on the ‘wounds of GB2’ comment.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

even though its not a bad movie, its a bad sequel (if that makes any sense)

Makes perfect sense and I totally agree.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

I liked Ghostbusters 2 it was a great movie so why would GB2 have wounds? Dan and Harold wrote a great GB2 script for the movie and I liked it very much. I'm glad that Bill Murray has healed his wounds to do GB3 which I'm very Happy about. GB3 will be a great movie to see and I'm looking forward to that when GB3 comes and I'm also glad that the Orignals will be back training a new team to help them out because the GB's are getting older and they need the help. I saw on the GB3 Imdb that the movie will be here in 2010 and that's Wonderful GB3 news because it said on other Info that filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release and the Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I. Hang in there GB fans because in 2 yeras it will be our turne to head to the Theater and watch Ghostbusters 3! I Can't wait to see it!

by OniellFord

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129535
I liked Ghostbusters 2 it was a great movie so why would GB2 have wounds? Dan and Harold wrote a great GB2 script for the movie and I liked it very much. I'm glad that Bill Murray has healed his wounds to do GB3 which I'm very Happy about. GB3 will be a great movie to see and I'm looking forward to that when GB3 comes and I'm also glad that the Orignals will be back training a new team to help them out because the GB's are getting older and they need the help. I saw on the GB3 Imdb that the movie will be here in 2010 and that's Wonderful GB3 news because it said on other Info that filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release and the Imdb wouldn't lie and neither would I. Hang in there GB fans because in 2 yeras it will be our turne to head to the Theater and watch Ghostbusters 3! I Can't wait to see it!

I knew he'd post on this thread sooner or later…

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

You know what GB3 I don't have any Problems ok you got problems. You guys think that I'm making this up and I'm not. I know what I'm reading and I'm reading right Information about GB3 and Bill Murray even said so and see I'm right! On the Imdb it says that Filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release and the Info is correct. I'm not a liar about that so please knock it off. Do we understand eachother! Check the Imdb and it will say for a 2010 release on the GB3 Imdb! You will see that I'm right about the movie!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129538
You know what GB3 I don't have any Problems ok you got problems. You guys think that I'm making this up and I'm not. I know what I'm reading and I'm reading right Information about GB3 and Bill Murray even said so and see I'm right! On the Imdb it says that Filming will began in 2009 for a 2010 release and the Info is correct. I'm not a liar about that so please knock it off. Do we understand eachother! Check the Imdb and it will say for a 2010 release on the GB3 Imdb! You will see that I'm right about the movie!

Wait… when does it start filming and when does it come out? Where did you read this? The Movie Database for Internet (MDBI)? I haven't seen it posted 27 other times, can you post it again? Lucky #28… anyone… anyone… Bueller?

by heslimedme251

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129538
Blah Blah, GB3. Blah, Blah 2009 Blah 2010. Blah Blah IMDB!

i know what it is…..he has carpathian kitten loss, somebody go paint him up a nice cute kitten!