AICN Asks Bill Murray about GB3

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Um…What was the original idea for GBII exactly?

I think there have been a few different incarnations of the GB2 script. The first one (I think) had them going to overseas to fight some kind of underground gnome society. I'm not even joking. I sincerely doubt that was the one Murray was referring to though.

by Yourbigpalal83

16 years, 5 months ago

ok. bill said its serious now more then ever before….he had fun with the game….Id bet the farm we might get it for real this time

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

A little more of the same from, but more nonetheless:

Q: You play a hero in “Ghostbusters” and a villain in this movie. Is it more fun playing a good guy or a bad guy? And what persuaded you to go back for the rumored “Ghostbusters 3”?

Murray: Well, you're way ahead of me, but that's okay. There's someone trying to write a script for another “Ghostbusters” movie. There's two fellows from “The Office” that are writing a script, but I have yet to see it. And I'm more involved with, you know, trying to get the dessert we order at lunch than I am with the new “Ghostbusters” sequel. (Laughter) But it's possible. It's a great idea that they hired these two guys to do it, ‘cause I think it could be a fresh look at it. And it could be funny. We did a sequel and it was rather unsatisfying for me, because the first one to me was ’the goods.' It was the real thing, and the sequel, you know, it was a few years later, and there was an idea pitched. They got us all together in a room. We just laughed for a couple of hours, and then they said, “What if we did another one? Here's an idea these guys have got.” So they had this idea, but it didn't turn out to be the idea when I arrived on the set. They'd written a whole different movie. And the special effects guys got their hands on it, and it was just not the same movie. There were a few great scenes in it, but it wasn't the same movie. So there's never been an interest in a third “Ghostbusters” ‘cause the second one was kind of disappointing, for me, anyway. But the third one could happen.

But you asked me a question about bein’ a bad guy and a good guy. It's so much easier to be a bad guy. It's a piece a cake. It's a joke. (Laughter) And, you know, I keep saying, “Why do they give Oscars to guys that play bad guys,” ‘cause it’s so simple. Play a good guy some time. That's hard. Play a really, decent good person. That's hard.

Q: So would you go back for “Ghostbusters” again?

Murray: Only if I could play an evil person. (Laughter) No, it's mostly all about the script. I don't have any obligation to the franchise or anyone. If the script were good and I thought we could do it, it'd be fun. But, you know, it's only now that this has ever been a prospect. No one's ever talked about it for a long time, ‘cause the second one was the way it was. This is just kind of a clever idea. I think they see that, and the fact that every interview today has asked me about the “Ghostbusters” movie–every single person–means that there is some interest for it. You think you’re talking about the “City of Ember,” but I've answered as many questions about the “Ghostbusters” as I have about… well, not as many, but, I mean, on every single one. So there's interest in it.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 5 months ago

Who is this person and where did he put the real Bill Murray? All joking aside, it's nice to hear stuff like this from Murray. Just nice to know that if the script is good enough, he'll definately be interested, which is just such a different take from him than what I'm used to.

by rodie1

16 years, 5 months ago

Jeez I never thought I'd see the day where Bill Murray was the most vocal about GB3. Anyway, here's another from MTV ( with video, there is one small new tidbit:

MTV: As any Bill Murray fan worth their salt, I'm a big “Ghostbusters” fan. So the guys from “The Office,” I guess, are writing a new one. Have you talked to them directly about this?

Murray: I don't even know who these guys are, but I know there's two guys from “The Office” that are writing a “Ghostbusters” script.

MTV: You don't know what their take is or anything like that?

Murray: No, I have no idea. But it's great, and I hope they go back to the original version. The first “Ghostbusters” was such a funny movie, and the first 45 minutes of it or so — there's only maybe one or two special effects. It's just these guys being funny, and the characters were really funny, and the situations were funny. I mean, Danny had a really fantastic idea, and, you know, he and Harold , they wrote some funny scenes. They left room for improvisation, and we made a funny movie.

MTV: Do you like the idea of potentially passing on to a new crop of Ghostbusters?

Murray: Well, I think it'd be funny to have a girl Ghostbuster. We don't have a girl Ghostbuster. I mean, they say like, “What if you passed it to Chris Rock?” And I go “Well, I dunno. Is Chris Rock gonna save us?” You know, I guess. He's funny.

MTV: You want Dana Barrett to have a proton pack — is that what you're saying?

Murray: No, I just think there's some funny girls I'd love to see be Ghostbusters.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

He seems to have really opened up about the prospect of GB3. Its great to hear, and reporters seem to be actually getting answers out of him now about the movie, which is awesome.

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 5 months ago

You got that right because GB3 will be an Awesome movie to see when it comes out in 2010. I've read movieweb and it says GB3 a 2010 release. I've also read the GB3 Imdb and it says a 2010 release so the Info I've giving you is correct so why was i banned for a week? Bill Murray is very Happy about GB3 and i am too, so I'm telling all of you the honest truth about GB3 2010 release and it will be a great movie to see with the Originals training a new team to help them out and GB3 will be a #1 hit at the theater in 2010. Please don't banned me again because I'm telling all of you the truth about GB3! 2010 the release date. I'm getting very excited about GB3 when it comes and I'm looking forward to see GB3 when it comes in 2010!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;129920
You got that right because GB3 will be an Awesome movie to see when it comes out in 2010. I've read movieweb and it says GB3 a 2010 release. I've also read the GB3 Imdb and it says a 2010 release so the Info I've giving you is correct so why was i banned for a week? Bill Murray is very Happy about GB3 and i am too, so I'm telling all of you the honest truth about GB3 2010 release and it will be a great movie to see with the Originals training a new team to help them out and GB3 will be a #1 hit at the theater in 2010. Please don't banned me again because I'm telling all of you the truth about GB3! 2010 the release date. I'm getting very excited about GB3 when it comes and I'm looking forward to see GB3 when it comes in 2010!

You were banned because you repeat yourself incessantly and don't add anything new to the conversation. All you do is come on and talk about GB3 coming in 2010 because IMDB said so.

by GB3

16 years, 5 months ago

Bill was on Access Hollywood earlier this week promoting “City of Ember”. He said the usual quotes about the new writers/fresh approach and if the script is good. He again said he liked the characters and likes the people he worked with. The latter which I think is something new. Because of the rift with Harold Ramis. But he does seem still close to Dan as we always get the bits from Dan about Bill at times concerning GB3 through the years.
So it looks like based on the script, Bill may do a GB3. Which in the end, ultimately the script will determine Bill and Sony Pictures into doing this film. Can't really say its gonna happen just ‘cause a script is in the works. Lethal Weapon 5 maybe on the way too . The 1980’s really was a good decade for movie sequels/franchises.

by Kalonthar

16 years, 4 months ago

Appears his divorce is partly responsible for how he's feeling about the prospect of a Ghostbusters 3. It's a real shame his marriage had to end like it did, but from reading some of the interviews he's given recently, apparantly it gave him a new outlook on life and you know, I really wish him the best. I guess no matter how bad things get for some, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel.