by apvecto1a

21 years, 7 months ago

:0 My name is anibal padilla velez im the leader of the ghostbusters special division in san juan puerto rico.
Few days ago a hacker enter at my computer under the name of gozer the destructor he destroy my pc sistem in the moment when i see one of the gb,s site.
I investigate at my other computer the procedence of that hacker and he is from st thomas and he hates the ghostbusters fan.
we discover a plan from him to destroyed the gbs page gb fan forum and gbs .net.
we try to evitate that masive destruction of ours gbs page.
remember when you see at your pc or e mail onder the name of gozer the destructor turn off your computers or not opened your e mails.
when you liked more info about our organization please send an e mail at
becarefull whit that hacker

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 7 months ago

Dude . . . um, do we have a ghostbusters special division in Puerto Rico? How come the community is just now finding out? I'm confused.

by sg1star

21 years, 7 months ago

there are hackers, crackers, and mis gueded hackers, which we call troble makers, we dont like to be confused wtih troble makers, hackrs, hack for the challge, not to cuz probs, crackers do the smae, but there more into programs. belive ir or not, wtiout hackers the internet wousld succ, we find the holes in areas most ppl dont notice, and yet we get a bad rep cuz troble makers like to destory ppls stuff.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 7 months ago

yeah. why would the hack someone that just joined three days ago?

two mods replied and didnt notice this? hmm.

by sg1star

21 years, 6 months ago

he has done nothing wrong in this thread, i mean making a A$$ of ur self is not agenst the rules

i mean look at what he says “I investigate at my other computer the procedence of that hacker and he is from st thomas and he hates the ghostbusters fan.”

ok now u can bacc trace a ip if the troble maker used his own. but its not gonna tell u he hates ghostbuster fans just his location of his ip comapny.

“we discover a plan from him to destroyed the gbs page gb fan forum and gbs .net.”
same thing as above.

“info about our organization please send an e mail at”
what hes saying here bascily is this post was just to get ur attention to protome are lame .

by Vinz_Clortho

21 years, 6 months ago

I don't know whether to laugh, or take this seriously.

Okay, okay, I'll just laugh :d

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

I choose to laugh.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

as always sg1star, you completely miss my point.

take a look at the join date…
three days ago.

take a look at how many posts he has..

because you miss my points, you may not notice there is no motive to hack. sure they do it for fun, BUT THIS IS GBN! hackers here do it to piss you off so you can post about it, and its usually a KNOWN member. this guy joined three days ago, and his first post is this. sherlock holmes you arent.

by sg1star

21 years, 6 months ago


aprently i dident miss the point but u did, i was agreeing with u on the fact that this post is stupid,

while its ture maybe someone hacked his site and then he came here to warm ppl, but i think thats a load of b.s. as u do cuz this would be disproven by ur statement of him joining 3 days ago,

but the reaosn y u prob dident see that i was agreeing with u is cuz i like to speak inbetween the lines, u like to just come out and say it.

and as i siad befor in the last line
“info about our organization please send an e mail at”
what hes saying here bascily is this post was just to get ur attention to protome are lame .

and yea im no sherlock holmes im sg1star get it got it good

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 6 months ago

then being that you noticed this yourself, why not do the magic mod thing and delete the post?

get it got it good. and dont speak within the lines. its blowin around the bush and no body likes that. people hate me because i tell them like it is. treat me the same way, tell me like it is.