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by .

17 years, 5 months ago

I did a nice thing by reporting a technical error at and you had the nerve to delete that thread and the user account. Why?

by zack1

17 years, 5 months ago

Sorry. That was my fault. With all the spam lately, It looked like a spam account without fully reading. I had just deleted 4 or 5 bots and was on a roll I guess. My apologies again. Let me know what username you want and I can change this account to that. I forget offhand what it was. Again my mistake, it wasn't anything personal, just an error on my part. and please repost the error! Thank you! Sorry! (*ray)

BTW on the subject for anyone reading, I sent Chad info on a security feature that should eliminate spam by asking a security question. Hopefully we can put all of that mess behind us. I'll look closer before I leap next time!


by .

17 years, 5 months ago

I was user . The post entry was that clicking any of the photos at Images of busterofghosts's Proton Pack results in an empty black-backgrounded new window in Firefox and the same in IE with a broken image icon.

by zack1

17 years, 5 months ago

wasn't your username “robert something?” I'm trying to remember. Let me know and I can change it from the “.” I'm not sure what causes the error but for anyone who wants to see the pictures on, click the properties of the link of the thumbnail photo you want to see and remove the /t/ from the address. The t being “thumbnail” and it should let you view the larger picture. Again sorry for the mistake!

EXAMPLE posting

that in the browser should do it. some awesome packs indeed.
