Alex Jones mentions Ghostbusters

by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 6 months ago

Today on the Alex Jones radio show, Alex briefly talked about Ghostbusters in relation to Illuminati Occultists. Go to, and listen to today's podcast. It occurs at around 40 minutes into the 4th hour (3:40). The guest, Freeman, gets into some extremely fascinating stuff.

By the way, if you don't already listen to Alex Jones regularly, you should. He speaks a lot of truth.

by RalfCastleknifer

16 years, 5 months ago


by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 5 months ago

Okay, here's the actual Freeman interview, with all the other stuff edited out. The Ghostbusters mention occurs at about 43 minutes, but FYI it is brief. I encourage people to listen to the whole (hour-long) discussion though, it's extremely fascinating and worth your time, especially if you're unfamiliar with esoteric, freemasonic, occult symbology….

Well,the link didn't work,but I'm familiar with Alex Jones and I say conspiricy theory is just another religion.

Ummm… okay. I don't know what provoked you to make such a sensational/ignorant statement. I never once claimed to “have it all figured out.” And if you listen to the interview/discussion my post was about, you would see that neither Alex Jones nor Freeman claim to have all the answers either. I have no idea what this “conspiracy theory is religion” hogwash is about. Are you afraid of opening your mind perhaps? Conspiracy theory is just that… theory. Just like scientific theory. And then there is conspiracy fact. Just like scientific fact. For the most part, the aforementioned interview revolves essentially around conspiracy fact, (talking about esoteric symbols mostly) although inevitably there is some discussion of the theoretical. Still though, what is your problem with conspiracy theory? Is it “religious” to question things? To question the established, “accepted” order of things? To question reality? I agree completely that we should be skeptical of things, of conspiracy theories, etc., but skepticism is absolutely worthless if it isn't tempered with open-mindedness.

I don't think any one on this planet knows what reality is. No one can step back far enough to see the big picture and people think they have it all figured out when they really just see a tiny piece of a puzzle. We can't KNOW any thing,we can only believe things. At least I admit that I don't know any thing.

This I agree with. However it seems woefully ironic of you to say such a thing after making your previous, close-minded statement.

by RalfCastleknifer

16 years, 5 months ago


by imported_Ghoulishfright

16 years, 5 months ago

Sorry to ruffle your feathers matey. I understand how my statement might come off as close-minded. May be I worded it wrong. My problem is not with questioning things. I think it's good to question things. I don't buy every thing that the tv/government feeds us either. I'm not a creationist nor an evolutionist. I even question history. The reason that I think of conspiricy theory like a religion is that like a religion,people allow that way of thinking to affect every desicion they make,all because of things they were told. It's good that they question the old things they've been told,but then many go and accept the new things they've been told as fact and go spreading the news.

Well, I can certainly see what you're saying, about people blindly following a certain ideology or mindset, like in religion, but I reckon those are exceptions, and not the rule. You're gonna find sheeple in any such movements. Comparing conspiracy theory, inherently, to blind, religious indoctrination is quite sensational to say the least. But I suppose I can understand if you mis-worded, or exaggerated things or whatever. Everyone does it. Your point is taken.

There may be truth to every point of view, but there's no way of knowing just how much is lies or at least inaccurate because information is so easily distorted. I realize that by me making such statements as “no way”,it implies that I'm sure of something,which I'm not,but I suppose one has to stand some where. Boggles the mind,doesn't it?

Aye. Obviously the ultimate truth, and ultimate reality of the universe is unattainable with our limited means of perception, and our (inevitably) biased minds & spirits. However you cannot remain neutral & indecisive, waiting for the ultimate truth which will never come, for fear of being (God forbid) “wrong.” All you can do is take a stance based on the level of truth & reality which you do possess, and when you obtain new and/or conflicting information, simply change your stance if necessary. Far too many people today are prideful cowards, afraid of changing their viewpoint and admitting when they're wrong. We have to surrender those notions. Put our faith in God, or the Divine (or whatever you prefer to call the ultimate force which governs our Universe), and admit our ignorance, our sinful nature, and the things which blind us, because only through the Divine can we hope to obtain ultimate Truth. Putting your faith in Mankind, which is totally corruptable, will only blind you further.

Again,I'm sorry if I offended you. I should not have said anything. I like to think that I'm open-minded,but may be I'm more close-minded than I realize,but a person can't help but see things from his/her perspective.

Don't worry mate, you didn't offend me in the least. You needn't be so apologetic. And yes, we're all close-minded to some degree…

Can't we all just get along? Since I have to stand some where,my philosophy is this:

There will always be some thing to fight on this planet,if it ain't one thing,it's another. History tells us that people have always fought and it's like people have learned nothing. I didn't ask to come to this planet and I'll only be here for a little while,so I just want to have fun while I can and not join any fight that I'm not forced into,no matter how good the cause may seem,because after I'm gone,people will still be fighting over something. Even me just stating my opinion on the internet is kinda like fighting,so I'll try to stop this.

Hey friend, don't be such bloody a pacifist! Put some fire in that furnace. Not all fights are bad. Only those born of hatred, ignorance, etc. Life abounds with pain & sorrow. Embrace it. It's not all about fun & pleasure, get used to it. No pain no gain. It's the good, the bad, & the ugly. Light shines the brightest in Darkness. Get out and experience Life, in all it's many forms. Carpe Diem; Seize the Day. The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse…..

by Brendan_M

13 years, 11 months ago

I just found this thread today, wow. crazy. Too bad we can't combine this thread with the other GB illuminati thread. I am so happy I am not alone on this subject.

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

There is no connection between Ghostbusters and the Illuminati beyond subtle coincidences, it's not some big conspiracy.

by Brendan_M

13 years, 11 months ago

There is no connection between Ghostbusters and the Illuminati beyond subtle coincidences, it's not some big conspiracy.

I don't know what the big conspiracy is, maybe you could elaborate for me? I just thought I'd bump this thread back up so people interested in the topic had a chance to re-read it, especially those who were interested in the other thread that had so many views.

I just find it off that a movie on that scale would have so many Masonic symbolisms in it.

Either way I still love Ghostbusters.

by Kingpin

13 years, 11 months ago

The “big conspiracy” is is that you think there's Masonic symbology in it. Your pictured example just happens to show a pyramid, I'd be more willing to believe if it were an unfinished pyramid with an all-seeing eye above it, but it isn't. As the temple actually features other Egyptian flourishes (seen just before Slavitza Jovan appears), in addition to the Pyramid itself, it appears to draw more inspiration from anchient Egyptian symbolism.

by Brendan_M

13 years, 11 months ago

The “big conspiracy” is is that you think there's Masonic symbology in it.

But there are Masonic symbology in it. I feel you're only using my photos for your agruement of “No it's not!”

Your pictured example just happens to show a pyramid, I'd be more willing to believe if it were an unfinished pyramid with an all-seeing eye above it, but it isn't. As the temple actually features other Egyptian flourishes (seen just before Slavitza Jovan appears), in addition to the Pyramid itself, it appears to draw more inspiration from anchient Egyptian symbolism.

Ok, I was only using that as an example, care to debunk or explain how all the other Masonic symbology/imagery/plotline ended up in the film by coincidences?

I feel there is no right or wrong answer in the topic, however, I personally don't believe that there are coincidences when it comes to Masonic symbology in hollywood films.

Either way, I still love/enjoy Ghostbusters.