I almost got a speeding ticket today. I happen to be at casino. As I was heading back to the house, I took the freeway.
As I was going, I happen to pass by a highway patrol around a curve on the freeway. I was going quite fast. I was on the left lane on a two lane freeway.
So I check on my rear view mirror and I see him start to speed up to catch up with me. I said to myself, “Oh no… I am going to get pulled over for going too fast. Oh well… I might as well exit the freeway.”.
I saw an exit on the right. So I quickly exit the freeway on the right from the left lane. I did it so quickly that the highway patrol didn't have time to react quickly enough to exit the freeway to follow me.
I was very lucky today.
What surprise me is, I end up exiting the freeway that lead to a park. So there's no way I could go anyplace from there. The officer could easily return where I exit and start looking for me or wait for me at the park's exit. But he didn't.
* NOTE * The reason I didn't mention the name of the casino and the freeway is I don't want it to haunt me back.