Almost got a speeding ticket (not an ordinary story)

by secrecyguy

17 years, 9 months ago

I almost got a speeding ticket today. I happen to be at casino. As I was heading back to the house, I took the freeway.

As I was going, I happen to pass by a highway patrol around a curve on the freeway. I was going quite fast. I was on the left lane on a two lane freeway.

So I check on my rear view mirror and I see him start to speed up to catch up with me. I said to myself, “Oh no… I am going to get pulled over for going too fast. Oh well… I might as well exit the freeway.”.

I saw an exit on the right. So I quickly exit the freeway on the right from the left lane. I did it so quickly that the highway patrol didn't have time to react quickly enough to exit the freeway to follow me.

I was very lucky today.

What surprise me is, I end up exiting the freeway that lead to a park. So there's no way I could go anyplace from there. The officer could easily return where I exit and start looking for me or wait for me at the park's exit. But he didn't.

* NOTE * The reason I didn't mention the name of the casino and the freeway is I don't want it to haunt me back.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

Well, the moral of this is quite clear: Next time, don't go so fast.

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 9 months ago

Your lucky……

I know someone that just got a ticket. And neither one of us were happy. The state patrols are really strict. If you were speeding and they catch it. Regardles if you slow up or not. you will get pulled over.

I've been in this kind of situation. And I think he may have been wanting to pass you. ‘cause if you were speeding and he caught it. Than he would have pulled you over. Regardless, even it he had lost you. All he have to do is get your plates. run your plates and than send you a ticket in the mail. That can be done. From what I understantd. That’s what I've heard about Virgnia state patrol.

Not trying to scare ya. Don't know if they do that in all states. I just know they do that here. So slow down or ticket it. :p


by secrecyguy

17 years, 9 months ago

Your lucky……

I know someone that just got a ticket. And neither one of us were happy. The state patrols are really strict. If you were speeding and they catch it. Regardles if you slow up or not. you will get pulled over.

I've been in this kind of situation. And I think he may have been wanting to pass you. ‘cause if you were speeding and he caught it. Than he would have pulled you over. Regardless, even it he had lost you. All he have to do is get your plates. run your plates and than send you a ticket in the mail. That can be done. From what I understantd. That’s what I've heard about Virgnia state patrol.

Not trying to scare ya. Don't know if they do that in all states. I just know they do that here. So slow down or ticket it. :p


I guess your state works differently here in California. In order to give you a ticket in the mail, they have to have a picture of your face. Otherwise, they can not prove that you were driving the car.

by secrecyguy

17 years, 9 months ago

Well, the moral of this is quite clear: Next time, don't go so fast.

Yup! I will slow down from now on.

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years, 9 months ago

Your lucky……

I know someone that just got a ticket. And neither one of us were happy. The state patrols are really strict. If you were speeding and they catch it. Regardles if you slow up or not. you will get pulled over.

I've been in this kind of situation. And I think he may have been wanting to pass you. ‘cause if you were speeding and he caught it. Than he would have pulled you over. Regardless, even it he had lost you. All he have to do is get your plates. run your plates and than send you a ticket in the mail. That can be done. From what I understantd. That’s what I've heard about Virgnia state patrol.

Not trying to scare ya. Don't know if they do that in all states. I just know they do that here. So slow down or ticket it. :p


I guess your state works differently here in California. In order to give you a ticket in the mail, they have to have a picture of your face. Otherwise, they can not prove that you were driving the car.

your proably right… But than again they mail the ticket to whoever the automobile is registered too. all states are different. That's a good thing I guess lol..

by heslimedme251

17 years, 9 months ago

and yet over here in england speed cameras get ya and they just send it to the registered driver who then has to tell the police who was driving and you get fined and points! it's a pain! but then again you shouldn't really speed (even though it's easy to do!)
