Almost screwed by Amazon

by geoff

15 years, 6 months ago

so I returned my special amazon edition of the game b/c i was pretty much disappointed by what came with it…thats besides the point. i am checking my email this morning to see that my refund is $50.50 and not $105. the restock fee was $55!!! I work retail. i know how much a typical restock fee is. it should not be more than what they are giving back to me.
so after an angry phone call i am getting the full $105 back.

just thought i'd share

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 6 months ago

50% restock fee?! That's insane. Did they say why it was so high?

by geoff

15 years, 6 months ago

i definitely did ask and they said it had to do with shipping it some other warehouse and a typical restock fee and them being a-holes…i threw in that last part.