Alright, a few facts about the comic. Straight from Sebastian himself.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 9 months ago

The Ghostbusters ARE The Ghostbusters Smoke or not. I don't like teh fact that people “bend” to the will of protestors and what not but really…such a bold statement?

I would like to see Non-Smoking GBs just in case younger readers do pick it up. I don't want them any more influinced by comics then the protestors, Will I not buy it if they smoke, Of Course I'm going to buy it. To avoid any confusion, either way is fine with me but like Casteware said, RGB Worked didn't it?


by SmokingTrap

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the info, Bo.

Re: smoking. The scene where Ray first spots ol' onion-head wouldn't be the same if he didn't have a cigarette hanging from his lip! Having the guys light up is a good little visual cue that they're chilling out, because I don't know if you can get the other subtleties of dialogue and body language you'd see on TV across in a comic… besides, what a storyline idea - Ray's trying to quit and Egon notices he quite literally has a monkey on his back… a tobacco demon that looks like a small monkey-shaped smoke cloud!

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Plus the hilarities of smoking while operating/and/or working on heavy and explosive equipment! :d

by back

21 years, 9 months ago

Can you say “Off topic”? smoking or not (smoking is better) there still the Ghostbusters.
im gone.

by domhnall4h

21 years, 9 months ago

No one has ever had a gun put to their head and told to smoke. Those who sue the tobacco companies are just avoiding responsibility for their own actions. Anyone who is influenced in day-to-day life by a comic book needs professional help. Only the cowardly losers who sue anyone and everyone that disagrees with them actually allow themselves to be controlled by comics/cartoons/ect. And they should die. The GBs should smoke, if for no other reason than to piss off the pathetic losers. I need another protest to run over with my car.

by venkmangb1a1

21 years, 9 months ago

i'm only going to chime in on this one thing ……wolverine in x-men has been smoking cigars in the comic since the 80's and i have yet to hear anyone moan about that ……the guys smoked in the ghostbusters movie , why shouldn't they in the ghostbusters comic ? i don't think anyone freaked out when they saw the guys smoking the first time they saw the movie ,besides it will neither hurt nor help comic sales , so who cares ? it's not like the comic is about them smoking , they're normal guys , doing a hard job , some of them smoke , i think they've earned it !

thats all i got , later

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

See… this is why Egon rocks! He's too smart to smoke!

by SmokingTrap

21 years, 9 months ago

And don't forget the X-Files' “Cigarette Smoking Man”… and didn't Nick Fury and The Thing used to smoke cigars?

by KWilliams

21 years, 9 months ago

“Personally, I always thought Ghostbusters was about busting ghosts, not whether or not they smoked Camels or…heh…Winstons.”

I think this is the funniest thing I've ever read here at!!!

Now, suppose Winston cigarettes DOES sponsor this comic book IF the characters DO smoke Winstons? It would be ironic and funny.

Back to the reason of this thread, was there any other new information that could be offered up besides just the 5 points Bo made? I want to know EVERYTHING.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Ray, Venkman, and Winston smoke. I have no problem with that. The three of them drink beer–I have no problem with that. It's one area that in the older continuity, I took the movies over RGB. I just considered that ommission on RGB a neccessary one of what “really” happened.

Egon should not drink or smoke. He's a sugar junkie.

But if they get back on TV none of them will drink or smoke. The fussbudget bluenoses would have a problem with that. Can you say “crapstorm of epic proportion?”

And thanks for the info, Bo.