Alright, a few facts about the comic. Straight from Sebastian himself.

by Sinister

21 years, 9 months ago

Your right Ben, just one thing… before we move on. Is it me, or does Ray look really nice? I mean I could never picture that guy smoking… it would be out of place. The same with peter actually he looks nice.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

I know what you mean Sinister, I guess only time can answer that question.

by GeneralCMM73

21 years, 9 months ago

As long as Miller Time Happens, I'm good to go.

by Pareto

21 years, 9 months ago

1) The Ghostbusters are personal heroes to me
2) I don't like smoking
3) I prefer that my heroes not smoke
4) Thus, I'd prefer the Ghostbusters not to smoke

That's what it really comes down to for me.

Also… keep in mind that the Ghostbusters are *NOT* just average plumber types as people have posted. Egon, Peter, and Ray are former University professors – Peter with two PHDs!

by get_her1

21 years, 9 months ago

I think it really adds to the feeling that they were “ghost janitors” and busting ghosts has become very mundane to them. Remember they didn't start really smoking until they started getting lots of jobs Also it set up the hilarious scene where the 3 guys are smoking and Egon's eatin' a twinkie!

I'll take it either way

by AcidTesseract

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey, I've got an idea!
While we're making the GBs quit smoking, let's put Ray in a wheelchair… and Peter can be hispanic… and there aren't any Jews or women, so let's throw them in too…
Oh, and Egon has to be old.



Political correctness be damned.

by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

I think Acid here just summed it up very well.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 9 months ago

While I didn't understand bo's last post, I still feel the need to stress…I don't think ANYONE said the Ghostbusters HAVE to or DON'T HAVE to smoke. I think what was said was “The Ghostbusters aren't cool if they don't smoke” which IN MY OPINION is about as moronic as comparisons between Dogs and Frogs.


by BoHolbrook

21 years, 9 months ago

You Juggalo either can't read or just skim thru the posts to look for something to complain about. I'd expect as much from an ICP fan.

by toygeek

21 years, 9 months ago

You're really kind of a jerk, aren't you? He's talking about the fact that your post said, and I quote:

I this Acid here just summed it up very well.

I'm assuming that you meant to type “think” instead of “this”, but you can see where it might confuse someone.


Oh, and in case you decide that you'd like to make fun of me based on my musical preferances, my favorite band is They Might Be Giants…

Have a party.