AMC - Celebrating 25th Anniversary

by slimer3881

15 years, 5 months ago

AMC (American Movie Classics) is celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the franchise. Today they played both films back to back. There a bit early, haha , but what the hey, and im a bit late in telling all of you, but anyway, in between commercials there would be a trivia segment talking about the films, and even mentioned GB3 in one of the segments, stating the release in 2012. it was really awesome to see GB get some worthy airtime. if anyone else caught it on, just post.

heres a Bill Murray quiz, they recently put up on the site.

On a further note, i think we can say that GB3 is in the bag now, i doubt Sony would let them give false information over a national broadcast. though, i could be wrong, thoughts?

by thedavetini

15 years, 5 months ago

They said “Rumor has it” which means it doesn't have to be true………2012, thats kind of a while away

by rockstar232007

15 years, 5 months ago

They said “Rumor has it” which means it doesn't have to be true………2012, thats kind of a while away
+1. I doubt that, IF they end up starting to film in winter (of this year), that it would take a WHOLE 2 years to release. I mean the only reason the video game has taken so long (3 years!) is because of the merger/delay/passing from Actibastard to Atari, but I don't think GB3 would take that long to make…unless it's like GB2, and just about EVERY shot in the movie is SFX/CG.(*peter)

Yes I know, there is a BIG difference between how long it takes to make a VG vs. a movie, but I believe that all parties (now/future) involved will be VERY anxious to get this made, not rushed, but at least ready for release by 2011 at the latest.

by thedavetini

15 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, If its even going to be made, the script is in the process, they still need to lock down actors, finalize the script, get a director and all that nitty gritty. GB3 is, sad to say, not a for sure thing.

From the sound of the ideas floating around though, they plan on changing alot of what ghostbusters were about. Lets hope this isn't the ghostbuster's X3 where it just blows.

by Sp9543

15 years, 5 months ago

Not a sure thing, but if GB3 were to start shooting in the winter, it's possible that we could see something by the end of summer 2010 or even Christmas.

by deadderek

15 years, 5 months ago

I'm happily watching Ghostbusters on AMC right now!


by JamesCGamora

15 years, 5 months ago

Same here…heh

by demonaz

15 years, 5 months ago

Me too. GB2 on right now.

by Dreamstalker

15 years, 5 months ago

Did anyone else catch the alternate dialogue in Peter's speech at Gracie Mansion? I just found it funny that the delivery of “wretched walking worms” completely clashed with the rest of the line.

by Nix

15 years, 5 months ago

Did anyone else catch the alternate dialogue in Peter's speech at Gracie Mansion? I just found it funny that the delivery of “wretched walking worms” completely clashed with the rest of the line.

They should've gone with NOW Comics' "…three million completely miserable turkeys living in the Tri-State area!"