Another company's Ghostbusters?

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Unfortunately then it'd just be a ‘buncha rip-off Ghostbusters’.

Heaven knows, plenty of people feel that about Filmation's cartoon. :p

What would it be if one day another studio then Sony would make a live action version of Filmation's Ghostbusters?

Hah, that's already been done. Filmation's was live action first. :p

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

lol, I know it was a TV-series from the 70's but I was talking about a live action movie based on the cartoon of the 80's.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

OH GOD!!!!!!!

It was even by the same director, I don't know what Ivan Reitman was smoking on.

He tried at another comedy about a group of people who catch supernatural begins(but i think it was aliens this time) and it flopped hard. It made 38 million and cost 80. I don't remember much else about it.

well come to think of it, maybe Sony put out Evolution as a test, thats why Ivan directed it. Maybe they did it to see how people would react to the genre in the 21 century. And it flopped in the BO, so they decided not to go with a GB3.

Hey… I enjoyed that film. (*egon)

The joke is that Evolution ‘was’ Ghostbusters 3.

I ain't see it in years. Maybe it's about time I give it a re-view. But I doubt it was as good as GB.

lol, I know it was a TV-series from the 70's but I was talking about a live action movie based on the cartoon of the 80's.

I hate Filmation so I would be against it. But it would be hilarious to see how Sony responds.

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 1 month ago

The joke is that Evolution ‘was’ Ghostbusters 3.
I ain't see it in years. Maybe it's about time I give it a re-view. But I doubt it was as good as GB.

Evolution was good but like you I didn't watch it for years either, it's not a movie I could watch over and over again in a short time.

Men in Black was probably the movie that killed Ghostbusters 3, there was a lot of talk of GB3 and Dan Aykroyd was writing the script those day's;
Also aliens where more popular in the 90's then ghosts that's why I think Sony choose MIB instead.
Maybe that's why Ivan Reitman also made Evolution.

lol, I know it was a TV-series from the 70's but I was talking about a live action movie based on the cartoon of the 80's.

I hate Filmation so I would be against it. But it would be hilarious to see how Sony responds.

Well, I don't hate it, I saw it a lot when I was a kid but I think if they made it to a live action movie it probably would look more like the Scooby Doo movies. kids would love it, adults probably won't.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

MIIB was decent at best, it was too sleak, too much CG and stupid talking dog and less story and acting.

But hey, I'm gonna guess we didn't get a MIIIB for the same reason of us not getting a GB3. The general audience just wasn't into it as more, and didn't even come close to BO #s as the first.

Anyway, I'm still hoping for another GB type movie from another studio if we're never getting another from Sony.

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

MIIB was decent at best, it was too sleak, too much CG and stupid talking dog and less story and acting.

But hey, I'm gonna guess we didn't get a MIIIB for the same reason of us not getting a GB3. The general audience just wasn't into it as more, and didn't even come close to BO #s as the first.

Anyway, I'm still hoping for another GB type movie from another studio if we're never getting another from Sony.

Actually, Sony was at one point… at around the time GBIII was still being talked about back in 99, against making a MIB sequel.

Makes me wonder why they went against that decision… it wasn't a patch on the original.

by fusi0n1

18 years, 1 month ago

It would seem like a huge rip-off… kinda like a movie spoof like Scary Movie or that. Where it's ‘like’ a ghostbuster movie, but they change everything to make it fun. Therefore it wouldn't be it's own movie, it would be just an offshoot of Ghostbusters.

I enjoyed MIB (not so much the sequel - see Sayingkingkilla's points), and Evolution was good (entertaining if you leave your brain at the door), definitely no GB3 substitute though)

So I dunno, maybe another company could take a stab at the paranormal elimination business. But it wouldn't feel the same…

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Very true.

Oh Lord, the scary movie idiots doing a Ghostbusters parody film, I don't think I'd see it. I loathe date movie and this new Epic movie. I'll will never ever see another “ ‘genre title’ movie” again in my entire life. They're beating a dead horse. Should have stopped at Scary Movie 2.

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

I said it in another thread but I thought it was a question that should be in it's on. If Sony never gives us GBIII, what if another company like Warner or Universal brought out a movie like it about paranormal eliminators but just changed the people's and title's name?! Could it wok?

Are you psychic sayingkingkilla? Universal just bought the rights from Sony to produce a CGI animated Ghostbusters III!

by Kingpin

18 years, 1 month ago

Matthew, please calm down and get under control. Should this plan see fruition it will be a while… so kick back, and relax because I ain't got no bombs!

Oh, wait… wrong catchphrase.