Another company's Ghostbusters?

by matthew1

18 years, 1 month ago

Sorry Kingpin. I am getting ahead of myself. I must stop jumping too conclusions and relax. But I'm too exited!

I think I'm havin' a panic attack here…seriously!

First the recent news of the Zootfly game, then I read that Aykroyd is doing motion capture work for a new game (which may be different too that of Zootly) which may mean TWO Ghostbusters games and if that's not enough exitement, news came up straight after that, that Aykroyd's trying for a CGI version of Ghostbusters III Hellbent and Murray has already agreed to voicing Venkman.

I know we've had dissapointments in the last few years with the NECA second series figures, the Mcfarlane di casts, the fact that Real Ghostbusters still hasn't been released in season sets, the 88mph Ghostbusters comics ending etc etc but c'mon, you gotta admit, this sounds REALLY PROMISING!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years, 1 month ago

Same here, Matt. This is just too amazing.