Another Ghostbusters 3 Rumour

by batman2

16 years, 7 months ago

Exclusive: New Ghostbusters Closer Than We Think?

We just heard what might possibly be one of the coolest rumors to come across our virtual desk in a long time. This information comes from a very reliable source who cannot, at this point, be named, but they are telling us that a new Ghostbusters film may be happening sooner than we all think.

According to our source all four Ghostbusters – Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson – have agreed to return to the franchise. A few years ago that would have been downright unbelievable, but considering they all just got back into their roles for the Ghostbusters videogame, it’s more than plausible that they’d do it on-camera one more time.

Now here’s the really interesting part; though not much is known about the plot, apparently the ‘Busters will be handing over their proton packs to Seth Rogan and the crew from 40 Year Old Virgin! Some may roll their eyes at this, but think about it; these guys are doing the same thing Murray, Ramis, Ivan Reitman, John Candy and their whole crew did back in the 80’s, churning out comedy after comedy, so it makes sense they’d take over these reins as well.

Of course all of it hinges on a budget, classic Hollywood story, but hopefully there’s a studio out there smart enough to know that the fans want at least one more Ghostbusters movie (hell, if done right, possibly a new franchise) and make this sucker happen.

Keep it here for more as we learn it!

by sinister1

16 years, 7 months ago

I hate this current wave of US comedy like 40 year old virgin… I hope it's not true.

by winston18

16 years, 7 months ago

Please don't let this be true. I HATE the idea of a new team. I want Ray, Peter, Egon, and Winston.

by batman2

16 years, 7 months ago

The problem is the guys are too old and out of shape now except for Ernie Hudson who was in great shape when I met him a couple of years ago.

Bill Murray Date of Birth:21 September 1950.
Dan Aykroyd Date of Birth:1 July 1952.
Harold Ramis Date of Birth:21 November 1944.
Ernie Hudson Date of Birth:17 December 1945.
Sigourney Weaver Date of Birth:8 October 1949.

We too are getting on a bit as well, I was at school when the first film came out and I'm now in my late 30's.

We will always have our Ghostbusters, we should let the new generation of movie goers have their version as they grow up to, we need to let go.

by winston18

16 years, 7 months ago

No, I'm still young

Yeah I know they are old but I still don't want a new crew, I think this is really just my personality, I HATE change. Like I'm worried we're going to have to call the “Ecto Goggles” “Para Goggles” because of the new game and the fact that “Ecto Goggles” was never the official name given in a movie only in the cartoons. Plus a new crew might be funny but they just won't be the same as the other guys and I don't think it is too terribly ridiculous to have the originals back, much like Rocky and Rambo, I personally really liked those newer movies because they didn't try to hide his age they worked with it. The Ghostbusters should come out of retirement because they need to one more time, like Rambo felt he needed to help those people. But anyway these are my opinions and if anyone else is excited I don't mean to rain on your parade.

by justinmarkus

16 years, 7 months ago

the major difference between rambo and ghostbusters is that stallone has kept in shape … bill looks 90, dan and harold got much wider, and ernie … he's the only one who has aged gracefully. don't get me wrong i could definitely still see dan coming back for another movie because the weight he did gain can fit with ray's character but the others just wouldnt be able to cut it. a new team would be the only way to go

by DocHoliday

16 years, 7 months ago

I'm ok with them passing it on as long as it is done with grace. I like all those Apatow guys. I am assuming if three of them are in it, it'd be Carrell Rogen and Rudd.

by winston18

16 years, 7 months ago

While I agree that Stalone has kept himself in much better shape that doesn't mean that Bill, Dan, and even Harold can't get back into shape. Not like they would be ripped or anything (they never really were) but they could make themselves presentable. Ernie wouldn't really have to do anything. Also I don't think Bill looks THAT old though he hasn't aged all that well but he has been in movies recently so is it really out of the question? I don't think so.

by rodie1

16 years, 7 months ago

I don't mind the idea of a new team, but I think it should be different actor/comedians with different ranges not all from one group. Anyway, I think this is a load.

by castewar1

16 years, 7 months ago

This information comes from a very reliable source who cannot, at this point, be named…


But, once again, other websites are re-reporting it as news.

sounds reasonable =/= true