any custom ghosbusters head makers out there?

by jogi82

15 years, 3 months ago

today i bought an 12“ ghostbusters figure on e-bay for 80 euros, the brand is mattel!
but from the pics i saw i fear that the head of the character (ray statz) isnt that acurate!
does anybody know a place where i can get good detailed heads of the characters?
and before u ask: u are not satisfied with the head? why bought it?
well an 12” figure with an real (detailet)flightsiut, gloves, belt, radio….., ghostrap, lightup proton pack, for 80 euros……would explain it!

by Emmettbrown1.21

15 years, 3 months ago

I have a superbly painted Venkman head, as well as nick a tron proton pack ,that is highly detailed and more accurate than the ones on the figures. shoot me a pm if you want either one.

by jogi82

15 years, 3 months ago
here is a video review on this figure!