Any Horror fans here?

by Filmfan

16 years, 6 months ago

Im a fan of all movies and I watch horror movies when I have nothing else to watch. Here Is a small list of the ones Im Into:

Dawn of the dead (1978)
Cannibal Holocaust
Bad Ronald
Evil Dead
Return of the living dead
Faces of Death
Devil Hunter
Cannibal Ferox
Night of the living dead (1968)
Texas chainsaw massacre
Dellamorte Dellamore

And many more.

What horror films are you Into?

by eatingfood1

16 years, 6 months ago

I like Horror films here's some favorites of mine:

The Ammityvill Horror (The Remake versoin)
the Elm street movies (ecsept 2&5)
Halloween (The remake)
the living Dead films

by theo1361

16 years, 6 months ago

Dawn of the dead (1978),Cannibal Holocaust, Halloween, Evil Dead, Faces of Death, The Exorcist, Texas chainsaw massacre all classics I also like Aliens (sci-fi horror) and the first Nightmare On Elm Street which tought us all serial killers are not silent and can be funny at times

by Filmfan

16 years, 6 months ago

Nice to have Fans of horror films here.

by Brendan_M

16 years, 6 months ago

Faces of Death

by eatingfood1

16 years, 6 months ago

All though I appear to be the only one that thinks so, The SCREAM movies were classics!

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Anyone ever seen “Pet Cemetery” #1 & 2? Crazy movies. Some famous faces in both of them although it was two different casts, you'll recognize a few faces in there. And they were both really frightening movies as well.

by Filmfan

16 years, 6 months ago

Anyone ever seen “Pet Cemetery” #1 & 2? Crazy movies.

Yes all Stephen King's work are crazy but It a good movie wierd though.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Yea. Crazy weird is correct.

by Filmfan

16 years, 6 months ago

My favourite S.King movie Is Misery It great he didnt actually make the movie only wrote the story but still It his film If you havent seen this film I would highly recommend It.