any info on hard cover Legion thing

by XTremeLurker

19 years, 10 months ago

I'm guessing that it's just Legion 1 issue right?? Not the Legion collection hardback that is coming out? It says it's paperback and just under £8 so that's what I'm presuming.
Only time will tell I suppose

Well, judging from the fact that it says it's 96 pages long, I doubt it's just the first issue. I think it's the paperback version of the hardback Legion mini series, which might explain the later publishing date and the cheaper cost. It's like when you buy a normal book - it comes out first in hardback, and then later you get the cheaper paperback version. I'm assuming that this is the same, although I might be wrong.

by cheesebuster

19 years, 10 months ago

Ah yeah I think you're right, I had a suspicion that it might be a paperback production of it after I posted
I didn't look at the pages though because I'm an idiot :-) I hope it is the full collection it would be nice for an official UK release (^_^)

by castewar1

19 years, 10 months ago

I've talked to Titan Books, and it appears to be a soft cover edition of the hard cover. Besides the four issues, they confirmed that it will have the ComicCon exclusive and “extras” It's all up at PC, along with some intriguing teasing on their part.