Any news on Annie Potts return in GB3

by GB2

15 years, 2 months ago

I have been out of the GB3 movie news loop for a while after being laid off from my job etc. Just wondering if my girl Janine will be back. Even when i was following GB3 movie news i really didnt read anything about Potts. Bottom line everything that we have read is nothing but rumors etc. Anyone have any info for me? After all, Whats a GB movie without everyones favorite and original sexy secretary?!(*janine)

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 2 months ago

I dont see why not, she did the game (and an interview for the game) so I'd be willing to bet Annie Potts will be back…hopefully as Mrs. Janine Spengler

by GB2

15 years, 2 months ago

I dont see why not, she did the game (and an interview for the game) so I'd be willing to bet Annie Potts will be back…hopefully as Mrs. Janine Spengler

True. If she came back for the game then i guess she would be on board for another film.(*janine)

by EgonSpengler01

15 years, 2 months ago

I havent heard anything out of the ordinary though i do wish she would return as janine and hopefully ( like Jay said) as Janine Spengler, i reeeally hope *keepsFingersCrossed*

by GB2

15 years, 2 months ago

Why would she be with Egon? Are people forgetting about GB2? She wasent into him in part 2. She was into Louis Tully.

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 2 months ago

While some of our more exasperated fans thought the whole Janine/Louis love plot was nothing more then extra screen time for Mr. Moranis (which sorry to admit, I am currently feeling the same) I can't see Janine staying with louis pass a month if that, considering how she feels for Egon I would imagine she felt the need to be loved or maybe she needed attention at the moment but either way she turned around and there was poor Louis. He didn't even know what kind of situation he was playing into and for that I felt bad for his charactor. But all wounds heal over time and if they don't then he can always resort to alcohol of his choice. And if you recall in the video game she seemed to taken a like towards Egon again. Who knows maybe that's why Louis was “gone” for the rest of day. Bad Hang over from a previous night of lonely drinking?

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 2 months ago

I dont see why not, she did the game (and an interview for the game) so I'd be willing to bet Annie Potts will be back…hopefully as Mrs. Janine Spengler

Say “Mrs. Janin Spengler” two more times and DocFritz will appear :-)

by GB2

15 years, 2 months ago

While some of our more exasperated fans thought the whole Janine/Louis love plot was nothing more then extra screen time for Mr. Moranis (which sorry to admit, I am currently feeling the same) I can't see Janine staying with louis pass a month if that, considering how she feels for Egon I would imagine she felt the need to be loved or maybe she needed attention at the moment but either way she turned around and there was poor Louis. He didn't even know what kind of situation he was playing into and for that I felt bad for his charactor. But all wounds heal over time and if they don't then he can always resort to alcohol of his choice. And if you recall in the video game she seemed to taken a like towards Egon again. Who knows maybe that's why Louis was “gone” for the rest of day. Bad Hang over from a previous night of lonely drinking?

How do you know that she has feelings for Egon still when they never even interacted with eachother in GB2. Im not going by the cartoon or game, Im going by the movie timeline. I dont see that happening. Besides, Janine wants nothing to do with anyone but ME!!!(*janine) LMAO!

by Kingpin

15 years, 2 months ago

How do you know that she has feelings for Egon still when they never even interacted with eachother in GB2.

Blame Harold Ramis, he didn't think their relationship worked - most fans… and officially licenced writers on the other hand, do think the relationship worked.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of relationship between Egon and Janine again in a new film, don't be expecting her to still be with Louis if Ghostbusters 3 goes ahead.

by EgonSpengler01

15 years, 2 months ago

While some of our more exasperated fans thought the whole Janine/Louis love plot was nothing more then extra screen time for Mr. Moranis (which sorry to admit, I am currently feeling the same) I can't see Janine staying with louis pass a month if that, considering how she feels for Egon I would imagine she felt the need to be loved or maybe she needed attention at the moment but either way she turned around and there was poor Louis. He didn't even know what kind of situation he was playing into and for that I felt bad for his charactor. But all wounds heal over time and if they don't then he can always resort to alcohol of his choice. And if you recall in the video game she seemed to taken a like towards Egon again. Who knows maybe that's why Louis was “gone” for the rest of day. Bad Hang over from a previous night of lonely drinking?

i agree with you on that one. i cant stand seeing janine still with louis, it just doesnt feel right.. And your right, she did seem to redeem a like towards Egon in the game, especially the way she ran straight towards him for some sort of comfort if you will.