Any news on Annie Potts return in GB3

by GB2

15 years, 2 months ago

Blame Harold Ramis, he didn't think their relationship worked - most fans… and officially licenced writers on the other hand, do think the relationship worked.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of relationship between Egon and Janine again in a new film, don't be expecting her to still be with Louis if Ghostbusters 3 goes ahead.

Im not saying she is going to still be with Louis but im also saying the movie may not have enough time to explore a relationship with Egon if they go in that direction. If they do then thats great but by the time they show the old busters and the “new” busters etc. I dont see enough time to show them as a item unless they just show up and its like hey we are married with no explination other then what Ghostheads know.

by gbfan11

15 years, 2 months ago

I could see them having a kid (off screen of course) who in turn becomes one of the new ghostbusters along w/ Oscar. Just a thought.

by EgonSpengler01

15 years, 2 months ago

I could see them having a kid (off screen of course) who in turn becomes one of the new ghostbusters along w/ Oscar. Just a thought.

Awww hahah yeah XDD Lol Egon.Jr or a mini Egon :-) or maybe a Mini Janine XDDD hehehe

Edit: Oh Merry Xmas from the Uk ^^

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 2 months ago

GB2 wrote: “How do you know that she has feelings for Egon still when they never even interacted with eachother in GB2. Im not going by the cartoon or game, Im going by the movie timeline.”

As far as I know good sir, The video Game was canon. If I recall I'm sure Dan Aykroyd mentioned it was pretty much Ghostbusters 3? I can't remember if it's true or not but i'm thinking it's apart of movie canon. I could be wrong on the subject though. So I feel safe in saying while in the game to me, it felt like she was warming up Egon again. That of course is just my personal opion on the matter.

by fusi0n1

15 years, 2 months ago

I agree that I think she'll return, almost more inclined that she will over Sigourney or Rick.

I think that GB:TVG was the closest thing to GB3 that fans would get (was the word around), but looks like it may be a concept idea they had rolling around in their heads for the GB3 movie.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, Annie doesn't have a Twitter, Myspace, Facebook… anything so any news from her would probably have to be found on… IMDB.

I felt a chill as I typed that and a little voice that said “Ghostbusters three… will rock”.