Any thoughts on LJN?

by JokerSmells

15 years ago

Remember the company that made those awesome Thundercats and Gremlins toys in the 80's? they also made some video games too with some fairly decent games like Friday The 13th, T&C, Elm Street, True Lies and more.

They also cranked out some turds like X-Men and others.

by slimelord1

15 years ago

I'll admit I have a soft spot for their Friday The 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street NES games, and the True Lies game was awesome (if amazingly hard).

by Nix

15 years ago

I think I still have the 4" ET they put out, with the extendo-neck and Speak and Spell.

Didn't they also make the Back to the Future II and III game for the NES?

by ToastDuster

15 years ago

I've still got my Snarf and Mummy-Mumm-Ra. Pretty nice figures for the day, wish I'd kept all of my Thundercats figues (and all of my Transformers, Real Ghostbusters etc…)