Anyone elese anoyed that its Now October, and still no offical world?

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Jonathan Archer;130094
Not really, I think that people would be happy that Sony took the time to say that they're still looking for a publisher, instead we're left wondering what the status of the game is since the last update was a while ago.

Except you shouldn't be left wondering. The last update was the last update. There has been no update since then so you shouldn't assume the status of the game has changed. They're still looking for a publisher. The game is still not canceled. I don't get why you would assume otherwise after only 3 months of no news… has it even been 3 months by the way?

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 1 month ago

But how do you know that they're still looking. Sony has said nothing else on the subject except for “The game will be published.” A statement that was a while ago, and I looked at the Kotaku article, I was wrong, 2 months, not three, though I still wish that they'd release more info on this month of all months due to this being the game's original release month.

Its to bad the last thing about it was an article about Atari, which was not official news.

by winston18

16 years, 1 month ago

Jonathan Archer;130096
But how do you know that they're still looking. .

How do you know they AREN'T still looking? Until Sony says otherwise it is stupid to think that they have changed their stance on the game. Chill out

by JonathanArcher

16 years, 1 month ago

The only problem with that is Sony probably wouldn't say until the game is right about to be released. Seriously, Sony is kinda bad when it comes to the Ghostbuster property, I mean, look at how long it took them to get the RGB out, quite a bit of time.

As I said, I just kinda wish that they'd say if they're still looking for a publisher or not.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Ok, once again, your arguments are so incredibly flawed and contradictory.

Did they wait til right before the release to announce the game originally? Did they wait til right before the release to announce RGB on DVD? Did they wait til right before the release to announce the comic? Did they wait til right before the release to announce the manga? Did they wait til right before the release to announce the original date for the Blu-Ray?

The answer to all these questions, is a resounding “NO”.

by rodie1

16 years, 1 month ago

Jonathan Archer;130098
I mean, look at how long it took them to get the RGB out, quite a bit of time.

Yeah, but look at the quality of the set that we are getting.

Anyway, why don't you write at Sony, they will respond with “we're working on finding a publisher” then Sony will officially have said what you want them to say more recently then two months ago.

10202 W. Washington Blvd.,
Culver City, CA 90232

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, but look at the quality of the set that we are getting.

Anyway, why don't you write at Sony, they will respond with “we're working on finding a publisher” then Sony will officially have said what you want them to say more recently then two months ago.

10202 W. Washington Blvd.,
Culver City, CA 90232


by Kingpin

16 years, 1 month ago

Doctor Venkman;130086
Go slam your dick in a drawer if you're that in need of something to cry about.

Alright Dan, take it easy…

Jonathan Archer;130088
and btw, you're really coming off like an ass here, but I wouldn't expect you to believe that.

You're not really in a position to be calling someone an ass when you've honestly at times been quite obnoxious, Jonathan.

Doctor Venkman;130086
And no, I'm not looking for an excuse to complain, I'm complaining due to this being the game's original release month, and Sony not saying anything about if they're still looking for a publisher or not.

There comes a time when the complaining is no longer reasonable, and that boat sailed probably a month ago. It is frankly not normal to still be complaining so vehemently so long after the delay announcement has passed.

Look, we understand you're upset, confused and pissed off. We understand you're frustrated that there's been no new information for about two months. We understand that to you, it makes no sense to go for so long without any news. We understand that you think Sony isn't beyond intentionally dicking with us because they really haven't been that good to us for a long time.

But continuing a repeating cycle of arguments and spasmatic cursing is not productive. You've stated your piece and it's been registered… you don't need to repeat yourself any more.

Now I'm telling you as a Moderator to take a break Jonathan. If not for anything else it can't be good for your health. This topic was a mistake to post on BigPal's part as all it has done is encourage impotent ranting, and I see it as being in your best interest to lock it. You've stated your piece and your frustration, but it's now time to move on.

I will be locking this topic tomorrow morning and unless I have adequate reason to the contrary, it will not be reopened.

by ScottSommer

16 years, 1 month ago

I suggest you just lock the thread now Kingpin.

The more you try to tell them not to complain is like trying to put out fire with gasoline. There is really nothing to discuss anymore about this and nothing more can or should be said.

The info is clear. We are all pissed off, but some of us are patient. We know the game is coming so we are not worried about it. The game looks good and behaves well so we have no doubts about that. No amount of complaining will change anything so it is just wasted time.

This horse is dead. The horse has been beaten, cooked, cut, sliced, served, and eaten. Let's press on shall we? Besides, I have something that might be interesting, but it belongs in it's own thread.

by skankerzero

16 years, 1 month ago

Look, everyone here.

You do not know how the video game industry works.

A game of this magnitude does not just ‘get signed over’ overnight.

Am I upset that 50 already has a publisher? no. how do you know we don't?

Its all due process.

just wait it out. go play some games or something.