Anyone else ever playthe Ghostbusters Role-Playing Game?

by UnaMoonstar

22 years, 1 month ago

I have an old copy of the game in a dissintegrating box resting along with my other role playing game books, and figured I'd ask. That game was actually my very first foray into the world of RPGs, and man did I have a blast! My sister (who's five years younger than me) also played, and during one game could *NOT* seem to hit anything but my friend Brian and myself. I mean, she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn! Talk about bad luck!

Ah, fond memories… Anyone else want to share theirs? I know *I'm* willing to listen. And I'd love to share other great role playing experiences. Like the story behind the quote, “Three thousand Chinamen can't be wrong!”…

Love and Stuff,
Una Moonstar