Anyone else notice the irony

by matthew1

13 years, 2 months ago

Has anyone else ever noticed the irony that the Ghostbusters reside within a former firestation but they constantly set fire to stuff?

by RealmMan

13 years, 2 months ago

Sorry, no. I'm from the midwest; we haven't had irony out here since the mid-'80s. Though there may be some pockets in the major cities.

by jettajeffro

13 years, 2 months ago

I've actually never thought about that and here I thought I've really overanalyized it already.

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 2 months ago guys got ME beat catching this..I'm still trying to figure out why NYC is the only place that seems to have a ghost the whole world, never mind about the continental 48. Oh well. It's just a movie.

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 2 months ago

I think this delves into the insanely minute details.

I'm sure that's not even something that they intentionally did.

And RoastedZuul, they went plenty of other places in the cartoon. It's never implied that they don't go anywhere else in the movie either. They can't afford to be traveling all over the place to shoot at so many different locations.

There's interesting points, and then there's nitpicking… the “no ghosts in other places” is nitpicking to me.

by jettajeffro

13 years, 2 months ago

Basically like in the old video game isn't the official explanation that Gozer was attracting all the ghosts? Bascially how Vigo and the bad vibes were attracting them all in 2.

by RoastedZuul

13 years, 2 months ago

I guess I was too old when the animated series came out, only catching a few (of the best) aired on Saturday. And, like the “irony” joke, I was just messing about. Gotta watch that from now on…

by doctorvenkman1

13 years, 2 months ago

I guess I was too old when the animated series came out, only catching a few (of the best) aired on Saturday. And, like the “irony” joke, I was just messing about. Gotta watch that from now on…

Nah, just add an “lol” or something… it's hard to tell when someone's joking in text form.

by RealmMan

13 years, 2 months ago

Doctor Venkman;173116
it's hard to tell when someone's joking in text form.

People have the same problem with me in person. And yet, I keep trying to be the funny one. Huh…