anyone else wait till the last minute for homework?

by creed

23 years, 2 months ago

i'd be failing if it wasnt for homeroom and the smart kids that sit near me in homeroom and the homeroom teacher that lets us copy

by Ectoman

23 years, 2 months ago

Geez guys.

I only do this in German Class. It is my first class of the day, and I usually do my work in Homeroom.

Come on though, don't procrastinate. Or you'll keep getting farther and farther behind. I'm shooting for all A's this quarter, or 90% and above. I'm sure I have that in 3 most of my classes.

Doing a quick check:
Science: 92% (Highest in class, I'm sure it will be up to a 95% by the end of the quarter)
Social Studies: 97% (4th Highest)
Math: 95% (Smartest in Class)
English: 80% (It WILL be an A at end of quarter)
German: 86% (Estimation)
Yearbook: 100% (Estimation)
Swimming: 95% (Estimation)

Wew! So, what are everyone elses grades? I'm a High School freshman, btw.

by Jay_Tigran

23 years, 2 months ago

I have a History12 term paper dues Tues. I have yet to start smile

by d_osborn

23 years, 2 months ago

1) fine arts music- 84
2) us history since 1865- 65(est. HARD!)
3) world literature 1- 75
4) philosophy- 95
5) bowling- 100!!! smile WOO HOO!!!

i'm a sophomore in college, and haven't cracked ONE BOOK this semester! not that i'm proud of that or anything… my history grade should go up b/c of bonuses due next week. i've got a really hard schedule next semester… archery, motion picture appreciation, intro to computers, golf, some guitar class smile , and intro to criminal justice. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

by Texasgb

23 years, 2 months ago

I always try to finish early but sometimes fimd myself working at the last moment. This weekend I had two projects and my usual assignments. I am a sophomore in high school and my grades are below:

Advanced Math-93+7(Adavaced gets 7bonus)
Advanced Spanish-92+7
Advanced History 90+7
Honors English 93+7

Finals are approaching and they could change. I hope for the best.

by daneghostbuster

23 years, 2 months ago

yeah, its sunday at 1032 where I am and im still doin it.