anyone getting the game early?

by BackInBlack

15 years, 8 months ago

Hopefully GameStop will get my pre-order early, a buddy of mine said that usually pre-orders arrive early

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

Got my t-shirt today!!!

XL though Lol, so too big, but cool nonetheless.

by ecto_plasmic1

15 years, 8 months ago

Got my t-shirt today!!!

XL though Lol, so too big, but cool nonetheless.

did they call you about it or something?

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 8 months ago

So I'm hearing from those who have the game it can be beaten in 6 hours. That's a wee bit short. I'm sure the person didn't scan all the ghosts. That should be fun.

by BackInBlack

15 years, 8 months ago

Parkbench…tell how they contacted you or if you got it in the mail

by chuckpolzin1

15 years, 8 months ago

so i got the game early with the leak online, my thread about it got deleted, i guess i
provided too much detail on how to obtain it,
I have the 360 copy leaked by the marvel team. The game is pretty sweet but there are a few annoyances. Like the review said the voice sync is terrible for the in game parts its like not even close.

The worst part so far is the audio mix, even after playing with the settings in the audio controls to try and lower the in game music and dialogue , the proton stream itself is very muted sounding. I have a large stereo system and even at higher volume the voices and stuff still dominate over the proton stream sound , even when dialogue is turned down in the game. The opening production vids are awesome , terminal reality has a ghost trap animation in the opening credits thats cool.

i dont want to hear people claim i dont have it, because if any of you have modded xbox's you are well aware that games are often available to download well before their release dates. all i can say is that its a dream come true to finally relive my childhood in such a way, considering the last GB game i played was GBII for NES and that was terrible.

you will have alot of fun walking around the firehouse talking to vigo, you can interact with the arcade games but nothing happens as far as i can manage playing the qbert etc. there are multiple firepoles in the house which i didnt know about. Theres a magazine on the floor of the house called “butter” with a stick of butter on the cover, wierd.

the pke stuff feels similar to bioshock with the camera function but some of the areas are kind of annoying where you just keep trying to find the hot spot and move on to the next hot spot you have to find. Unlike the review i dont find the bill murray voice acting to be fake but i would imagine its very hard to get that wonderful interaction they had together on screen without being together in the sound studio.

i was playing on the hardest difficulty and you very frequently get knocked down or stunned but as long as all the guys in the room arent “dead” you can be revived and keep playing, so that aspect is kinda like gears.

just to prove i have it without a picture,

ill just say one of vigo's quotes

“no heart ever beat as black as my own, come closer and ill let you hear it”

enjoy the game guys and remember to check binsearch if you wanna download the game for those with a modded 360

by ParkBench

15 years, 8 months ago

Back In Black;147030
Parkbench…tell how they contacted you or if you got it in the mail

Sorry for the late reply…but I just went in to put in my pre-order and they gave me the shirt with it.