Anyone going to SDCC?

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years ago

anyone going to comic-con and if so have you pre-reged?

by JamesCGamora

16 years ago

I unfortunately missed out on last years San Diego Comic-con unfortunately I will be missing out on this years as well. Maybe next years…

by jettajeffro

16 years ago

As of right now the majority of the Arizona Ghostbusters plan to go. I'm not sure which days yet. Obviously any potential major GB news happenings will determine that. I know there was talk of the Ecto-1 trying to be there again.

I know I need to buy my tickets soon. Had to volunteer a couple of days last year to get in.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

Pre registered? Que?

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years ago

you have to pre-reg with comic-con ala buy your tickets online, cause no onsite memberships will be sold.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years ago

you have to pre-reg with comic-con ala buy your tickets online, cause no onsite memberships will be sold.

Sonofabitch… thanks for the heads up. I'm canceling going to the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors and going to ComicCon instead… the fact that my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years broke up with me, making me move back in with my mother also had a part to do with that.

by jettajeffro

15 years, 7 months ago

Any updates on anyone else going to San Diego?

I got my tickets the last day there were available back in the winter. Most of our team are going but we're still undecided on gearing up. Many of us are doing other costumes as well.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 7 months ago

Just curious, if anyone is planning on heading to SDCC this year…

I was trying to go, but didn't have the money, or anyone to go with.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Like always, Wish I could go…at least if I DID decide to go my jumpsuit and trap combo would be ready.

by Kingpin

15 years, 7 months ago

Moved to misc.