Anyone have a Mattel 6" Winston for sale or trade?

by flameboy2

14 years, 9 months ago

As the title says i'm looking for 1 of the 6" mattel Winston figures complete with all accessories. MOC or loose would be fine as long as it's complete.

All sorted thanks to Dreamstalker!

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 9 months ago

That's not a bad deal… $35 for a sold out figure.

I buy from there a lot and they always ship fast and very safe. If you're absolutely looking for a trade, then that's up to you. I personally don't have a Winston available, but others might, and who knows, there might be a trade out there. Just figured I'd post this to give you another option.

by OptimusFord

14 years, 9 months ago

what is a weencions “Who ya gonna call?” Venkman ?

by flameboy2

14 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the link Doctor Venkman. That is a fair price for a sold out figure but as i'm in the UK the shipping charges add a significant bump which right now I just can't afford. i'm not dead set on a trade it's just that way it wouldn't cost me anything :-( I need to have a look this evening and update what I have, it's a question of what I have that i'm willing to part with.

Optimus, there's a thread showing the Weenicons here: