Anyone have copies of Real Ghostbusters episodes, GB music videos , or cartoon Themes on CD?

by spengler1

22 years, 7 months ago

I was wondering if anyone is selling copies of the Real Ghostbusters cartoon episodes complete and uncut. I am also looking for the GHostbusters music video by Ray Parker Jr., Cleanin Up the Town music video by the Bus Boys, On Our Own music video by Bobby Brown and Ghostbuster Rap music video by Run DMC. Finally , with all these NAPSTER like downloading song websites, does anyone have and can make me a cd sound copy of the openning and closing theme to the Real ghostbusters, Slimer and the Real Ghostbuster theme song, and the openning and two different closing themes to the Extreme ghostbusters? I enjoy listening to mant old and new cartoon themes on cd, but many of my favorites were never released on cd yet. The Real Ghostbusters cartoon is one of them. Any help would be great.


22 years, 7 months ago

I have 5 episodes from the USA network uncut in good condition SP mode the 5 are afterlife in the fast lane its a jungle out there when halloween was forever slimer come home and halloween 2 1/2

by GhosbusterFan

22 years, 6 months ago

I have made 2 CDs with those songs on them plus ending credits and the Title noise. If you want to buy a copy let me know. My email is