Anyone have RGB episodes on their computer I could have?

by GhostbusterN

21 years, 6 months ago

I was wondering if anyone was interested, could I send him/her a blank CD, and he/she could send me copys of the episodes he/she downloaded. My internet connection is dial up, so I can't really download eps.

by Ectoslimeguy49

21 years, 6 months ago

I have a CD with some of my favorite episodes: Killerwatt, The Bogeyman is back, When Halloween was forever, Night Game, Knock Knock, Slimer and the Real Ghostbusters intro, and The Bogeyman Cometh. They are all of high quality except The Bogeyman is back. Im pretty sure I can put them all on my hard drive. So if you would like them feel free to IM me or e-mail me.


by gbuster1a

21 years, 6 months ago

Well, I have over 8 CDs of episodes, and i still have about 4 gigs of episodes that I have on my Hard Drive. If youre interested, im selling the 1st season DVD for $10. 2 DVDs that have all season 1 episodes. check my website for screen caps.

by gbuster1a

21 years, 6 months ago

These are all the episodes I have:
Ghosts r us; killerwatt; mrs. rogers neighborhood; slimer come home; troll bridge; the boogieman cometh; mr sandman dream me a dream; when halloween was forever; look homeward ray; take two; citizen ghost; janines genie; xmas marks the spot; janines day off; adventures in slime and space; ragnarok and roll; captain steel saves the day; buster the ghost; night game; rollerghoster; whore you calling two dimensional; dairy farm; egons ghost; the cabinet of calimari; ghostbusters of the year; egons dragon; no one comes to lupusville; the bird of kildarby; the long long long etc goodbye; cold cash and hot water; whos afraid of the big bad ghost; doctor doctor; you cant take it with you; lost and foundry; chicken he clucked; venkmans ghost repellors; the hole in the wall gang; ghostbusted; the ghostbusters in paris; a fright at the opera; banshee bake a cherrie pie; drool the dogfaced goblin; the revenge of murray the mantis; the headless motorcyclist; knock knock; the spirit of aunt lois; ghostfight at the ok corral; aint nasasarily so; apocalypse what now; a ghost grows in brooklyn; i am the city; last train to oblivion; beneath these streets; play them ragtime boos; the old college spirit; masquerade; dont forget the motor city; lights camera haunting; egon on the rampage; baby spookums; slimer is that you; the boogeyman is back; sticky business; halloween II & 1/2; big trouble with little slimer; the copycat; camping it up; flip side; robo buster; short stuff; follow that hearse; the brooklyn triangle; jailbusters; the halloween door; janine youve changed; you cant teach an old demon new tricks; ghostworld; the slob;the magnificent five; the treasure of sierra temple; attack of the b movie monsters.

by back

21 years, 6 months ago

I only send mine over either AIM or MSN pending that you have a speedy connection.
im gone.