I'm re-authoring the 27 dvd set of RGB that's floating around, need upgrades of these eps if anyone has them in good quality to upgrade the bad eps from the set.I'll trade, buy, whatever email me please.
Captain Steel Saves the Day: B quality
Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster: B- quality looks pretty bad
The Scaring of the Green: B+ quality
The Devil to Pay: C- looks really bad
Hard Knight's Day: B- quality
Lights! Camera! Haunting!: C+ quality looks really bad
Janine, You've Changed: A quality missing first 5 minutes
Ghostworld: D- terrible unwatchable
The Haunting of Heck House: B quality
Afterlife in the Fast Lane: A quality missing first 5 minutes
Very Beast Friends: D- terrible unwatchable
Busters in Toyland: D- terrible unwatchable
thanks all!!!