anyone have/know of ghostbusters miniatures made?

by th3gh5tbu5t3r

19 years, 6 months ago

hello all, im new here. this seems like a great site for a huge GB fan like me.

anywayghostbusters miniatures i was just wonderig if anyone knows these ghostbusters miniatures ive heard of a bit on some web sites, if anyone has them for sale id deffinatly buy them, but then again i dont even know if they were made haha.

thanks to everyone who replys

by fomeboy

19 years, 6 months ago

If you buy this Johnny Lightning Ecto-1A, you'll get a bunch of mini-Ghostbusters along with the car

by ghostbusters2131

19 years, 6 months ago

One question: If you put that Johnny Lightning Ecto-1 and mini Gbs with the NECA Stay Puft Rotocast, the proportion of the whole set is like in the movie??

by fomeboy

19 years, 6 months ago

One question: If you put that Johnny Lightning Ecto-1 and mini Gbs with the NECA Stay Puft Rotocast, the proportion of the whole set is like in the movie??

kind of… because Johnny Lightning did the Ecto-1A and not the Ecto-1