Anyone interested in an incomplete prop ghost trap and belt with accessories?

by spengler1

21 years, 10 months ago

By the end of this week, I will be putting up my ghost trap and GB belt on ebay for sale. Unfortunatly i don't have the technology to post a picture here of it. Basically I'm just trying to see if it would be worth my time to do this and if any one would be interested.
The trap is complete except for the pedel, and wheels which the person i bought it from couldn't finish. Other then that its complete. The belt is a tan color , has a walkie talkie with holster but not really the one used in the film but look cool anyway. It also has the circuit board pouch with wire that comes out of it and ataches to a smaller circuit board thing on the belt. It also has a trap holder with a temporary hook on it that came with the trap so you can hook it on the belt . A yellow hose is included that the ghostbusters have connected from the uniform to the belt. I have no idea how to attach it to the uniform though. Finally i'm throwing in this old pair of elbow pads too. They don't look like the ones in the film, but they get the point accross, there elbow pads.
If you have any other questions, feal free to e-mail me or just post more messages here. Keep Bustin!!

Spengler1 :O :s

by crazyecto2005

21 years, 10 months ago

how much? I would be ineterested if not too expensive.