Anyone Into Doctor Who?

by OniellFord

16 years, 7 months ago

I'm a Doctor Who fan. I have been a huge fan for a long time and when I started watching the “new” series, that's when I began to be very very dissapointed.

Now, please dont reply to me if you have a problem with this post. I do NOT want to start another “Flame War”. God, I hate those!

Here are my reasons/opinions on why I prefer the original series over the “new” series.

My Reasons:

1. Old series focused on the main hero of the show (The Doctor) while the new one focuses more on the companions, thus slowly losing it's right to even be called “Doctor Who”. It should just be renamed “Companion Who”!

2. The Doctor was a true hero. Nowadays, he is nothing but a 6-year-old in a grown man's body.

3. I love classic's over “new” crap. Classic “Who” FTW!

That's all I'm sayin'!

by GuyCC

16 years, 7 months ago

They have different styles, definitely. I do like the fact that the companions are more fleshed out now. They're less cardboard stock now.

I think Donna is the best of the new ones because she did keep the Doctor in check, and wasn't all hyped up on wanting to hook up with him. She just wanted to be friends, and I think that in itself made the situation seem more plausible.

Martha became a much better character once she got over her puppy dog crush on the Doctor.

Again, I don't want to spoil the finale, but I did have a few issues with how it ended. “The Stolen Earth”, however, was brilliant. And the mini episode “Time Crash” with the 5th Doctor.

Also the Series 2 finale. Dalek/Cyberman battles! Woo!

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

David Tennant is bloody marvellous. that is all.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 7 months ago



by castewar1

16 years, 7 months ago

by Mjollnir

16 years, 7 months ago

I became a fan when Series 1 premiered on SciFi Channel. I liked the Series 4 ender and how it brought all of the “companions” together again. Although I don't know if Rose's mother is even considered a “companion”. I get Ricky, being one but Rose's mom? Meh…

I do love David Tennant's Doctor but I liked Christopher Eccleston's just as much.

And Billie Piper is still the best “companion” ever. :p

by GuyCC

16 years, 7 months ago

I still like Tom Baker and Peter Davison, but Tennant has become my favorite.

I do also like Jon Pertwee, though.

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

I grew up on Peter Davidson, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy. I really liked the McCoy years, although I know many didn't. But man, Ecclestone and Tennant nailed something fantastic. I love all the new drama of it, and the trimming of all the flab. You only need to see the ratings on primetime BBC1 to be aware of how great ti all is! Decent sci-fi, back on the air! It had been years since the UK had managed that.

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

Oniell Ford
1. Old series focused on the main hero of the show (The Doctor) while the new one focuses more on the companions, thus slowly losing it's right to even be called “Doctor Who”. It should just be renamed “Companion Who”!

2. The Doctor was a true hero. Nowadays, he is nothing but a 6-year-old in a grown man's body.

3. I love classic's over “new” crap. Classic “Who” FTW!

1. Actually, part of the reason it's called Doctor Who is because we really aren't supposed to know that much about the Doctor. It's more about how he shows people that they're better than they thought they were, and it's also more about what this strange guy is all about as seen through the eyes of the people he travels with.

It's a shame people think having a show with a question mark at the end of it will spell disaster for the show, isn't it?

2. If you were to go back to the show's beginnings, he really wasn't that much of a hero. In episode 2 of “The Daleks”, for example, the Doc famously sabotaged his own ship so that he and his crew could see the City down below (under the pretense that they'd have mercury for the sabotaged component). He only became a hero through years of traveling WITH people and learning about how to act from a human (ie not alien) point of view.

I really can't see where you're coming from with this “6-year-old in a grown man's body” comment. I'm just not seeing that in either New or Classic Who.

3. You'd make a lot of friends on the Doctor Who Forum, I guarantee that. There are quite a few people who share this perspective.

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

I get Ricky, being one but Rose's mom? Meh…

Mickey, Rickey was his Cybus Industries Alternate Universe counterpart.

I imagine Jakie Tyler was there simple to bring back the original group of people the Doctor interacted the most with in the first two series, a nice little nod seeing as they brought back so many other familiar faces as well.

David Tennant has become my favourite Doctor, although Sylvester McCoy is still one of my favourites, as is Paul McGann and Peter Davison.

Billie was an alright companion, but I think my favourites have been Donna and Martha.