The ‘TV Movie’ always has a special place in my heart, I grew up on the tail end of the 6th and 7th incarnations and even then, only saw their adventures through video recordings… but the movie was the first time I got to see Doctor Who ‘live’ and more so, it was the first instance of Doctor Who in years after the BBC Controller, Michael Grade, famously cancelled it in 1989.
Of course, it could be compared to the Ghostbusters rebirth of 2004, marketed to be something big but never quite reaching the levels it aspired to… the spinoff show rumored to be in development following the movie died out and nothing, with the exception of a few Children in Need/Comic Relief specials happened until 2006.
And my standing by the film is also given the boost that despite some people's wishing it were made apochryphical, it's considered canon as when the new series started, he was on his 9th incarnation rather than his 8th.

I also quite liked the TARDIS interior for the movie, and whilst the ‘new Who’ TARDIS has grown on me over the last four years… I still miss the movie and ‘classic’ (Baker-Davison-Baker-McCoy) design with the more pronounced roundels and five sided console… although the concept with the door is really cool.
And I love how in Season 4's finale, they finally revealed to the wider world that the console is six-sided because a TARDIS is meant to have six pilots.