Anyone Into Doctor Who?

by kylie1

16 years, 7 months ago

I have to agree with kingpin

David Tennant makes me think of tom baker

if he starts eating jelly bellys am going fall out of my seat lol

and new doctor who still like some of classic in it

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

Jelly babies, not jelly beans. Though I wouldn't be surprised if Tenthy were to forgo jelly babies and switch to Pocky sticks instead.

by jettajeffro

16 years, 7 months ago

If I remember reading right, Tennant is the first actor to play the doctor who was a fan 1st, and I believe Tom was his favorite. I believe an interview with Tennant from the 80's shows him saying he'd love to be the doctor someday.

I really would like to see an older actor play the doctor. I was very excited back when the series was first announced and Bill Nighy was a popular candidate, but with the love and bed hopping that's so popular I'm sure they'll stick with the young sexy actors to keep young peoples interest, unless they were able to find the next Jon Pertwee.

by Nix

16 years, 7 months ago

Peter Davidson…Ecclestone

I'm not sure what show you were watching, but I remember that the Fifth and Ninth Doctors were played by Peter Davison and Christopher Eccleston. (*peter)

As for me, this long strange trip I've been going on started in 1996, with the FOX TV Movie (King and Iain may have referred to it as “The US TV Movie with the Pertwee Logo”), and then I started watching the “Summerfest” which WTTW started playing in July of that year. (Fun Fact: Now that I have all the tapes of the episodes which played during that summer, I re-enact it every year to remind myself of where I started.)

I'm really glad PBS and WTTW got the New Series. I'm right back where I started. (^_^)

by Kingpin

16 years, 7 months ago

The ‘TV Movie’ always has a special place in my heart, I grew up on the tail end of the 6th and 7th incarnations and even then, only saw their adventures through video recordings… but the movie was the first time I got to see Doctor Who ‘live’ and more so, it was the first instance of Doctor Who in years after the BBC Controller, Michael Grade, famously cancelled it in 1989.

Of course, it could be compared to the Ghostbusters rebirth of 2004, marketed to be something big but never quite reaching the levels it aspired to… the spinoff show rumored to be in development following the movie died out and nothing, with the exception of a few Children in Need/Comic Relief specials happened until 2006.

And my standing by the film is also given the boost that despite some people's wishing it were made apochryphical, it's considered canon as when the new series started, he was on his 9th incarnation rather than his 8th.

I also quite liked the TARDIS interior for the movie, and whilst the ‘new Who’ TARDIS has grown on me over the last four years… I still miss the movie and ‘classic’ (Baker-Davison-Baker-McCoy) design with the more pronounced roundels and five sided console… although the concept with the door is really cool.

And I love how in Season 4's finale, they finally revealed to the wider world that the console is six-sided because a TARDIS is meant to have six pilots.

by DocFritz

16 years, 7 months ago

I quite enjoyed the Eighth Doctor movie myself, too. It was a good attempt to relaunch the property without completely disregarding it's history (ie mention of the Daleks; the implied reason the Doctor had gold dust in his TARDIS–in case of Cybermen; and of course the big nod of having Sylvester McCoy in it and actually handing the role off to Paul McGann via a proper regeneration. McCoy himself didn't even have that due to Colin Baker's abrupt firing) The “half human” business I think is the main thing that gave hardcore fans a sour taste.

(Though I roll my eyes at the story that the comics were going to show the regeneration from McGann to Eccleston, but Russell Davies vetoed it because he couldn't stand the idea of the Ninth Doctor having any companion other than Rose (*egon) )

I understand the movie did quite well in England, but nothing came of it because not enough of us Dumb Colonials watched it.

by GuyCC

16 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, to some of the earlier comments, we don't know that much about the Doctor, as he never talks about his past. He never states that much about any family, other than a few hints to show that he has/had one, and they still tease about what his name really is all the time.

But yeah, the first version of the Doctor was not all that particularly nice to people he met, or even his own companions. He mellowed out towards the end.

The Sixth Doctor tried to kill his companion upon regeneration.

The Seventh Doctor started as whimsical, but became manipulative and calculation, not even sharing his motives with his companions.

Donna even noted the Tenth Doctor needed someone to essentially keep him in line.

He's not always a nice fellow by any means of the word, not even his current form.

Oh, and Kingpin, the TARDIS console has six sides (loved how they explained the function of it in the last episode).

by sinister1

16 years, 7 months ago

Quite so Fritz. Because Doctor Who was an instituional legend, anyone slightly into sci fi in Britain watched Doctor Who that night, where as the US didn't have that. I remember the night well. It was my first REAL introduction to Doctor Who following occasional Tom Baker episodes every now and then borrowed from the library, which I enjoyed but never really… “got” in the same way as the movie, hence I always call McGann MY Doctor. Just as many new fans call Eccleston THEIR Doctor.

I absolutely adore the movie, even if, when you actually EXAMINE the science, and indeed, the LOGIC behind the finale and how the Doctor saves the day, it makes NO sense what so ever…

by robbritton

16 years, 7 months ago

Peter Davidson…Ecclestone

I'm not sure what show you were watching, but I remember that the Fifth and Ninth Doctors were played by Peter Davison and Christopher Eccleston. (*peter)

My english language teachers hang their heads in shame and i can only apologise. Way to showcase your spelling skills, bobby!

by castewar1

16 years, 7 months ago


No love for The JAMs? Sigh, you lot are young, aren't you?

I think Tennant's favorite is Davison, hence the Time Crash short (US fans, find it - it slots a very sappy, very awesome mini story in-between Martha leaving and the TARDIS getting smacked by the cruiser.)

You guys should try and find the radioplays by Big Finish - you'll gain a new appreciation for the post-Baker, pre-Eccelston Doctors, trust me.